In order to provide you with access to many options, some of our workshops are offered live virtually (register through CLNx), and some are provided 24/7 through Quercus. Please note that Quercus works best when using Chrome or Firefox as your browser. If you missed any synchronous workshop dates, send us a message on Live Chat or email UTM Career Centre and we'll help you find the next available dates.
MyCareerCentre Online
We are excited to welcome you to our brand-new MyCareerCentre Online Quercus page! This self-directed approach to career development will empower you to take charge of your professional growth on your own schedule. You can decide what you would like to experiment with, learn about, and focus on based on your unique career needs.
Let’s get started on your career journey!

Professionalism in the Workplace
Once you have your job, you want to maximize your chances of success. No matter where you work, professionalism is an important characteristic you need to demonstrate. But what is professionalism? While every workplace could have different norms, most would say professionalism is knowing how to work with your team and your supervisor, asking good questions, being respectful of others and communicating effectively.
To help you build your skills and understanding of professionalism, the Career Centre has the following e-modules for you to complete, along with other helpful resources you can use. By completing these modules you will be better equipped to handle the situations that arise in the workplace, be more professional and more successful in your work.
Asking Good Questions
Learn the benefits of asking good questions, their characteristics and how to ask them.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)
Business Communication
Learn to write business emails and letters along with professional communication etiquette.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)
Disability and the Workplace
Increase your understanding of disability issues and how everyone can contribute to workplace success.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)
Diversity and Inclusion at Work
Learn how you can contribute and what you will gain from a diverse and inclusive workplace.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)
Networking in the Workplace
Learn strategies and tips for engaging in networking in the workplace.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)
Professionalism 101
Learn the fundamentals of professionalism.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)
Working Effectively with Your Supervisor
Learn how to work productively with your supervisor.
Asynchronous in Quercus (Professionalism)