Get Ready for your Career
Browse the Career Centre website, the Career Learning Network, make a one-to-on career counselling or employment advising appointment, or come into the Career Centre in the Student Services Hub (Main Floor Davis) to find resources and assistance with:

- Identifying your skills
- Marketing yourself: resume resources, networking skills, Linkedin and Interview Preparation
- Job Search: Now that I’m Graduating, What’s Next, Finding Summer and Part-time Jobs and Internships
Meet Employers
- Search hundreds of jobs (off-campus, on-campus, volunteer, Work Study) on the Career Learning Network (CLNx)
Check out the Mississauga Events Calendar on CLN for information about employer information sessions and networking events where you can meet a variety of industry professionals. Also check out the calendars for other campuses to see if employers you are interested in are coming on site.
- Come to our In the Field Industry visits
How the Career Centre works with your Department and where you can find us

- We provide tailored workshops and one-to-one coaching, developed with your placement officer to meet your needs
- You can use our services for two years after your graduation – attend Now That I’m Graduating What’s Next to learn more
- Visit us (DV3094, hours of operation)