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SEE@UTM Co-Op Placements
We are looking for Co-op Supervisors for High School Students! All faculty supervisors, administrative staff, and departments welcome! To apply fill out this form here: SEE@UTM Recruitment Form
What is a Co-Op Supervisor?
Co-Op Supervisors oversee and mentor the students during their cooperative education placement. Supervisors are responsible for providing a structured and supportive environment where students can apply their academic knowledge to real-world tasks, develop new skills, and gain valuable professional experience. The role involves assigning tasks, offering guidance, monitoring progress, and giving feedback to help students grow both academically and personally. Anyone employed at UTM as staff, faculty, librarian can be a supervisor!
Why Become A Co-Op Supervisor?
The students will earn post-secondary credit through their cooperative education placements. This experience will help students further develop their skills, receive hands-on work experience, and have some fun all while helping them to achieve their career goals and support them in the completion of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
1. CREATE the opportunity to provide guidance, direction, and a new interactive learning environment to students outside the classroom.
2. DESIGN specific tasks that support your departmental learning objectives and inspire feedback and discussion from students.
3. GIVE high school students from underrepresented and marginalized communities the chance to gain confidence in their educational journey.
Supervisor Testimonials
“We thoroughly enjoyed having the students join us, some of our team members have personally experienced the value of having participated in a co-op experience during our own education and hoped that we were able to pay forward the value of the experience to our co-op students.”
Co-Op Supervisor, 2023
"The work that my student completed was high quality and is currently being used by my department as part of our communications strategy. My student made real contributions that are much appreciated."
Co-Op Supervisor, 2023
Benefits of Supervising a Co-Op Opportunity
- Invitation to SEE Supervisors Lunch
- Recognition for outstanding citizenship, leadership, and service to the UTM campus and local Mississauga community.
- An opportunity to learn more about how to engage students using culturally responsive strategies.
Invitation to the annual Centre for Student Engagement Partnership Award Ceremony.
How to become a SEE@UTM Co-Op Supervisor
Application Process:
- Step One: Fill out our Co-Op supervisor interest form
- Step Two: SEE@UTM staff reaches out with your next steps;
- Step Three: Fill out the Job Description form;
- Step Four: Attend the Job Fair;
- Step Five: Candidate selection;
- Step Six: Interviews;
- Step Seven: Placements begin.
- *The PDSB teacher will provide documentation and guides every step of the way*
Important Dates:
Event | Date / Occurence |
SEE@UTM Kick Off | September 3, 2024 |
SEE@UTM Job Fair | October 21, 2024 |
Co-Op Placements | December 5, 2024 - January 31 2025 |
Winter Break (No Programming) | December 24, 2024 - January 3, 2025 |
What happens if I work from home?
Although we strongly encourage an in-person work environment for the students, sometimes this is not ideal for our supervisors. In this case, students are free to work asynchronously or, they can be paired with other collogues and team members working in-person.
How will students be selected?
At the end of the Job Fair, students will list three potential placements which will be reported back to you the students PDSB teacher, Monique James. You will then conduct interviews with potential candidates to find the best student for your role!
Are students trained prior to coming in?
The SEE@UTM students have taken classes on the best workplace practices and how to engage their unique skills to further their professional development. The PDSB instructor will further pre-brief you on all other student expectations.
How do we report student progress?
The PDSB instructor will be in-touch with evaluations throughout the students’ placements.
What kinds of roles will students take on?
The decision is entirely up to you! This is an experiential opportunity, we urge you to give students roles that can strengthen their skills, encourage learning and personal growth.
Who are we targeting?
We welcome anyone from any department, supervisors, staff member, faculty and administrators who want to work with these students in enriching their learning experiences.
How many students do you need to place?
We are requesting seventeen placements for the students.
SEE@UTM Community Partnerships
To provide this dynamic, experiential learning opportunity the Centre for Student Engagement and the Peel District school board work closely in partnership.

Teacher Spotlight
Monique James

Job Title: Secondary Resource Teacher-Cooperative Education
Department: SEE UTM, LCBSP with PDSB
Interest in Program: It is important to create an inclusive learning environment that is a collective process and vision. Proactive participation of students, educators, parents, support staff, administration, and community are required to building relationships that promote mutual respect of student lives and values. Intentional actions must address the disparities facing Black Students within the educational system. Black students need access. They need to see for themselves what options best serve them. Initiatives like SEE UTM allow them to make those informed decisions. There's a saying seeing is believing. I don't agree with that. I say believing is seeing. You have to believe it before you see it. SEE@UTM provides that opportunity because it's a way to experience university and envision one's self-there before applying.
Fun fact: She enjoys dancing, grounding and sun gazing!
For all questions and feedback regarding SEE UTM Mentorship Program, please contact:
- Email: smyrna.wright@utoronto.ca