Project Sponsor
The Project Sponsor is typically a senior leader and is the individual who makes the case for the project. They are the ultimate authority on the project and provide high-level guidance, oversight, and direction. They also act a Champion for the project within the organization. The Project Sponsor approves the Project Charter and accepts the Project Deliverables.
Project Owner
The Project Owner is generally at the Director level or higher and holds the ultimate accountability for the success of the project; in some cases, they are the same person as the Project Sponsor. The Project Owner assembles the Project Team and acts as the communication link between the Project Manager and Project Sponsor.
Project Manager
The Project Manager is the person responsible for managing all work for each phase of the project lifecycle to ensure the project stays within scope, on schedule, and within the budget. The Project Manager is assigned by the Project Owner and acts as contact point for the Project Sponsor, Owner, Team, and key Stakeholders.
Project Team
The Project Team is assembled by the Project Owner for the purpose of executing the project at hand. A Project Team is generally comprised of individuals from a variety of roles and/or departments within the organization. Project Team members act as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and are skilled in executing their assigned project work. Project Team members meet regularly to discuss project work, identify any issues, and suggest solutions. Once the project is complete and closed, the Project Team is disbanded and team members are no longer responsible for project work.
A stakeholder is an interested party: a person or group affected by the execution or outcome of a project. Groups may be defined broadly, such as “staff”, or narrowly, such as “student advising staff”. The focus should be on key stakeholders: those with direct interest in the project or influence over the outcomes.
A Stakeholder Analysis should be completed for every project to determine how to best engage with the various stakeholders.

The Champion is someone who promotes and supports the project throughout the organization. The Champion seeks to garner stakeholder interest and support and generates excitement about the project. This is an informal role and there may be several champions for any project; however the Project Sponsor should always act as a champion.
The Client or Customer is the person or people who will directly benefit from the outcome of the project. If there is a product created, they will be the end-users of the product. These terms are interchangeable, and you can use the term that you feel best suits your project.
Project Management Office
The Project Management Office (PMO) is a unit that acts as a central resource for project management knowledge, guidance, and project oversight. The PMO facilitates project success through the creation of standard tools, templates, and processes, and provides 3 levels of service to strengthen project delivery across campus.