Additional Resources

Additional Learning Opportunities 

The University of Toronto provides its employees and students with free or discounted access to numerous courses and educational resources. A variety of Project Management resources and training opportunities are linked below for your reference. If you feel this page is missing a helpful resource, please email your recommendation to:

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Project Management Courses:

Process Improvement courses:

Several Project Management courses are available through the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies (see your HR representative for information on whether there are available tuition waivers).

Periodically, Project Management workshops/seminars are available through University of Toronto Learning and Leadership Centre (LLC) (access via LMS portal).

Project Management Institute (PMI)

The PMI is a globally recognized leader of the Project Management Profession, providing global professional standards, training and education, certification, community, thought leadership, and academic research on project management.


Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK):

The PMBOK is published by the PMI to provide a guide and standard for project management. The most recent edition of the PMBOK has a different approach than earlier editions. The PMBOK 6th and earlier editions focused primarily on the technical processes, inputs, tools & techniques, and outputs for project management and were geared towards project managers. The latest edition, PMBOK 7th Edition, is instead geared towards project teams and outcomes and focuses more on skills and resources needed for successful project delivery. Given the very different approaches in these guides, we recommend referencing both of the most recent editions.


EASI Change Management Toolkit

This internal SharePoint site, created by the University of Toronto's Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration (EASI) team, provides a plethora of content, guides, and templates for change management - from agile projects to Lean change management and more.


Network for Change and Continuous Innovation (NCCI):

NCCI is the Network for Change and Continuous Innovation: Higher Education’s Network for Change Leadership. It is a non-profit association, dedicated to improving higher education globally by providing a collaborative professional network for change leaders with a vision to position higher education institutions to be agile, lifelong learning models to transform lives and communities around the world. The University of Toronto is a member organization.

To access NCCI content and programming, create an account by clicking "New Customer? Click Here", here.


Lean Higher Education (LeanHE)

LeanHE is a global community of practice for Lean and continuous improvement practitioners in Higher Education. LeanHE also offers a Canadian Lean HE Network for practitioners at Canadian colleges and universities. You can learn more and join this network for free here: 


Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures is a set of 33 alternative structures for meeting facilitation to generate powerful new ideas and enhance the ways in which we communicate with each other. Developed by Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowicz, "Liberating Structures make it easy for leaders of all levels to create conditions for people to work at the top of their intelligence and creativity. In this environment, people thrive and enjoy their work. It is also the path to top performance." Access the Liberating Structures, here: 



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