
Coffee Chat Series

The PM CoP hosts a series of monthly virtual coffee chats gives our community a chance to connect between larger events to further advance our learning, knowledge sharing, problem solving, and community building. These coffee chats will take place on a Friday afternoon, once per month. All members of our Team's Channel will receive an Outlook invitation to each coffee chat - feel free to drop into the Team's call anytime throughout the coffee chat!
We will begin each coffee chat with a brief presentation on a topic followed by open conversation for whatever topics are on your mind. This is an opportunity to share any new tools or techniques you have been using, a recent win, a problem you'd like help solving, or any questions related to project management, continuous improvement, or business analysis. We hope to see you there!
There will be a prize draw at each event!

Community of Practice Events

Upcoming Events:

Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming events!


Past Events:

April 2024 - Guest Speaker: Breanna Michael on Force Field Analysis

February 2024 - Panel Session: Leading Projects & Initiatives in Higher Education

September 2023 - Initiating Projects and the Project Charter

July 2023 - Project Management Community of Practice Launch event