IMI Code of Student Professionalism

University of Toronto Code of Student Conduct

Guided by our values, culture and commitment to diversity and inclusivity, our programs and initiatives encourage collaboration and empower transformational, inter-disciplinary thinking to combine and share knowledge and discover new and better solutions to the world's wicked problems.

IMI fosters within its students a standard of professionalism which is expected by the students’ chosen professions, sector or field, which creates a positive, inclusive and diverse learning environment. As an IMI student, you are expected to abide by IMI’s Code of Student Professionalism. In alignment with this Code, IMI expects the following of all its students:

Uphold the University of Toronto Policies

Students are expected to observe all of the University’s policies concerning conduct concerning both academic and non-academic conduct. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these policies. The two most important are:

Professional Conduct

Students are to conduct themselves in a professional manner, with integrity and always with the goal of upholding the university’s standards of excellence; including, but not limited to, the use of university resources.  This includes your role in creating an inclusive, supportive and engaging classroom space that is respectful of the views of others and aligned with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the University of Toronto’s Code of Student Conduct

You are expected to carry out your dealings courteously, respectfully and in an inclusive manner with everyone you work with in your capacity as an IMI student.  This includes interactions in any manner with:

  • Your course instructors and TAs
  • Your classmates, both inside and outside the classroom, including during groupwork
  • All other students, staff and faculty at the University in any capacity
  • All members of the University community including our external partners, colleagues on your co-op terms and employer supervisors

Group work is to be conducted courteously and professionally at all times.  This includes being prepared for meetings, producing your share of the activities and work required, and respecting the views and experiences of your teammates.  This also includes creating a space in which team members may voice their opinions, concerns or thoughts in an inclusive, non-judgmental and welcoming way.

Integrity, Honesty and Transparency

IMI expects that you represent yourself honestly and transparently in all communications with others, including applications to the Programs and to co-op or post-graduate employment.  This includes conducting yourself with integrity with respect to assignments, coursework and presentations.

You are expected to abide by your Program Guidelines as they relate to the co-op or internship process, or any other processes as set out by your Program.


IMI expects that you abide by confidentiality and non-disclosure guidelines for any professional work that you do within your time at IMI, including working with external partners for academic coursework and/or on your co-op or internship term.  This includes being mindful of agreements you may sign within teams or with external partners, including employers, as well as confidentiality in group work and classroom discussions.

Student Engagement and Learning

IMI expects that you will take full advantage of the curricular, co-curricular and professional development activities organized by your program.  As a student enrolled in one of IMI’s graduate programs, your professional development is important, and a key element to your overall educational experience.  It is expected that you will engage fully in these activities.

It is expected that you treat your time in your Program and within IMI as an opportunity for learning, self-discovery and development.

Asking for Support

If you are struggling at any time, IMI encourages you seek out the resources available to support you. IMI is a safe space to study, learn and engage with your peers, faculty and staff, and it is important that you acknowledge the resources available to you, and that you seek out support when necessary. 

Find resources on Wellness & Student Support at IMI and on the IMI Embedded Counselling Program.

It is expected that you will ask for help early, and often.  Your wellbeing as a student throughout your time at IMI is important, and by asking for help when you need it, you can be supported and find your way to success.

University of Toronto Policies

In all circumstances the University’s official policies and procedures take precedence over this Code. However, if your program administration becomes concerned that your behaviour is inconsistent with this Code while not contravening a University policy, then you will be invited to discuss the matter with your Program Director. Persistent transgressions may result in you being interviewed by the IMI Director who may, at his or her discretion, take more serious action to address the issues at hand.

If you are concerned about a violation of this code, please reach out to the IMI Director at any time.

Additional Policies: