About IMI
The Institute for Management and Innovation empowers transformational thinking and collaboration and lets us see the world from a new perspective. Integrating people, place and purpose, our students, faculty and researchers come together to create new knowledge and share it with the world. We build leaders and give them the skills they need to harness innovation and apply it in ways that will ultimately create positive impact for people and communities everywhere.​​
Students & Graduates
While at IMI, students engage in significant professional development training and industry programming as well as traditional academic teaching and research. Our approach ensures that students graduate with not just work experience but that they are ready and well-equipped with real-world experience and skills to bring to the workforce. Our students are tomorrow's leaders who want to and can make a difference - for your organization and for the world.
Each Program partners with a diverse range of outside organizations for both regular industry programming, as well as for co-op and internship hiring and full-time recruitment.
- Master of Science in Sustainability Management
- Master of Management of Innovation
- Master of Biotechnology
- Master of Management and Professional Accounting
- Master of Urban Innovation
- Master of Forensic Accounting
- Master of Biomedical Communications*
*offered through the Institute of Medical Science
Faculty, Hub and Research Engagement
Our people are smart thinkers and leaders who bring fresh perspectives and an agile, kaleidoscopic approach to thinking and problem solving.
In addition to our students, you can partner with our faculty for research opportunities or in-class programing, or connect with our our incubator, ICUBE, and with our executive education programs, IMIx. You can connect with our BIGDataAIHUB to explore initiatives in AI and machine learning. These offer opportunities to support or engage with start-ups, or access high-level executive education for your teams.
For more information, visit Partnership Programming

Claire Westgate, M.Ed
Manger, External Partnerships & Communications
e: claire.westgate@utoronto.ca
t: 437-329-0495