IMI's faculty and affiliated faculty publish regularly in top journals, contribute to articles, speak at conferences, and receive awards and grants for their innovative work.
IMI Faculty Publications: 2022-24

Ann Armstrong
Some Counsel to Doctoral Students from a Naïve and Shell-shocked Academic, forthcoming (June 2023). Robinson, A. Bristow, and O. Ratle, (eds.) Doing Academic Careers Differently – Portraits of Academic Life, Routledge.
"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work: A Difference that doesn’t Make a Difference?" is forthcoming in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.

Laurel Besco
Pachai, A., & Besco, L. (2024). National climate change mitigation efforts for aviation: Lessons from post-Covid state action plans. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 18(12), 1086–1101.

Shauna Brail
Brail, S. 2022. COVID-19 and the Future of Urban Policy and Planning. Current History, 121 (838), 298-303. DOI:
Brail, S. and Kleinman, M. 2022. Impacts and Implications for the Post-Covid City: The Case of Toronto. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 1-19. DOI:
Noga Keidar, Mark Fox, Odeya Friedman, Yair Grinberger, Tharaa Kirresh, Yang Li, Yaara Rosner Manor, Diego Rotman, Emily Silverman & Shauna Brail (2023) Progress in Placemaking, Planning Theory & Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14649357.2023.2286131

Brett Caraway
Palter, J. & Caraway, B. (2003). Understanding the approaches taken by private ski clubs in Southern Ontario to address climate change and sustainability, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. DOI:

Ningyuan Chen
Chen, Ningyuan, et al. "Model-free assortment pricing with transaction data." Management Science 69.10 (2023): 5830-5847.
Chen, Ningyuan, Pin Gao, and Steven Kou. "Does the Prohibition of Trade-Through Hurt Liquidity Demanders?." Operations Research 71.5 (2023): 1458-1471.
Chen, Ningyuan, and Ming Hu. "Frontiers in Service Science: Data-Driven Revenue Management: The Interplay of Data, Model, and Decisions." Service Science 15.2 (2023): 79-91.
Li, Wenhao, Ningyuan Chen, and L. Jeff Hong. "Dimension reduction in contextual online learning via nonparametric variable selection." Journal of Machine Learning Research 24.136 (2023): 1-84.
Alizamir, Saed, Ningyuan Chen, Sang-Hyun Kim, and Vahideh Manshadi. "Impact of network structure on new service pricing." Mathematics of Operations Research 47, no. 3 (2022): 1999-2033.
Chen, Ningyuan, and Guillermo Gallego. "A primal–dual learning algorithm for personalized dynamic pricing with an inventory constraint." Mathematics of Operations Research 47, no. 4 (2022): 2585-2613.
Xiong, Yi, Ningyuan Chen, Xuefeng Gao, and Xiang Zhou. "Sublinear regret for learning POMDPs." Production and Operations Management 31, no. 9 (2022): 3491-3504.

Rafael Chiuzi
Chiuzi, Rafael (2023) "Tri-Party Collaborative Course Design: Proposal of a Framework for Higher Education Courses," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 17: No. 2, Article 6.
Available at:

Laura Derksen
Derksen, L., Muula, A. and van Oosterhout, J. (2002). Love in the time of HIV: How beliefs about externalities impact health behaviour. Journal of Development Economics, 159. DOI:

Ruben Gaetani
Doepke, Matthias, and Ruben Gaetani. 2024. "Why Didn't the College Premium Rise Everywhere? Employment Protection and On-the-Job Investment in Skills." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 16 (3): 268–309.
Gaetani, R. and Berkes, E. "Income Segregation and the Rise of the Knowledge Economy". American Economic Journal (Applied Economics), Volume 15, No. 2, April 2023, Pages 69-102.
Why Didn't the College Premium Rise Everywhere? Employment Protection and On-the-Job Investment in Skills (with Matthias Doepke) - American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Volume 16, No. 3, July 2024, Pages 268-309
Berkes, E., Gaetani, R. & Mestieri, M. (2024). Technological Waves, Knowledge Diffusion, and Local Growth. Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics. DOI:

Jody Grewal
Grewal, J., Mohan, A. and Perez-Cavazos, G. (2024). "Payment Practice Transparency and Customer-Supplier Dynamics". Journal of Accounting Research, 62 (2).

Shashi Kant
Martínez-Cortés, G, Oscar., and Kant, S. 20204. Evolution of Colombia’s market for manufactured products of the wood industry. Journal of Forest Business Research 3(1), 34–59.
Qiu, L., Kant, S. and Zeng, W. 2023. Indigenous people’s perceptions of benefits and costs of China’s second phase of the grain for green program and the influencing factors. Ecological Economics, 214(1),
Filewod, B., Kant, S., MacDonald, H., and McKenney, D. 2023. Decision biases and environmental attitudes among conservation professionals. Conservation Science and Practice, April 2023, e12921.
Kant, S., and Vertinsky, I. 2022. The anatomy of social capital of a Canadian indigenous community: Implications of social trust field experiments for community-based forest management. Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 144, November 2022,
Dai, Z., Hou, Y., Kant, S. and Ma, B. 2022. The influence of China’s protected areas policy on households’ risk perception, forest investment, and revenue. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 27799–27814 (2023).
Yiwen, Z., Kant, S., & Vertinsky, I. (2024). Enhancing stakeholder engagement in sustainable forest management: A multi-domain comparative analysis of forest-related beliefs, values, and behaviors of Canadian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal groups. Sustainable Development, 1–20.

Matt Osborne
Caflisch, Andrea and Grubb, Michael D. and Kelly, Darragh and Nieboer, Jeroen and Osborne, Matthew. "Sending Out an SMS: The Impact of Automatically Enrolling Consumers Into Overdraft Alerts" (May 15, 2018; Journal of Finance forthcoming [accepted May 8, 2024]). FCA Occasional Paper No. 36, Available in SSRN.

Soo Min Toh
Toh, S. M., & DeNisi, A. S. (Eds.). (2022). Expatriates and managing global mobility. Routledge.

Tara Vinodrai
Vinodrai, T., Nader, B.* and Drake, N.* 2023. Planning for the cultural economy: Lessons from Ontario, Canada. Planning Practice and Research, 38(2): 159-176. DOI:
Collishaw, S., Moos, M., Vinodrai, T. 2023. Does subsidized housing facilitate more sustainable commute patterns? Insights from Canadian metropolitan areas, Housing Policy Debate
Vinodrai, T., & Brail, S. (2023). Cities, COVID-19, and counting. Big Data & Society, 10(2).
Brail, S. and Vinodrai, T. 2024. Remote work: Urban panacea or curse? Intergovernmental Commitee for Economic and Labour Force Development (ICE), Toronto, Canada.
Brail, S. & Donald, B. (Eds.).(2024). Urban Mobility: How the iPhone, COVID and Climate Changed Everything. U of T Press.
Vinodrai, T. 2024. Toronto’s cultural workforce: Economic dynamics and change, 1991 to 2021. Toronto: School of Cities, University of Toronto. Report for the City of Toronto Economic Development and Culture Division, 21 pages.
Huneke, M., Vinodrai, T. and Hall, H.M. 2024. Crunching the numbers: A snapshot of Canada’s agricultural technology landscape. Report for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 45 pages. [Link]

Minlei Ye
Minlei Ye (2023), "The Theory of Auditing Economics: Evidence and Suggestions for Future Research", Foundations and Trends® in Accounting: Vol. 18: No. 3, pp 138-267.
Ye, M. (2023). The theory of auditing economics : evidence and suggestions for future research. Now Publishers.
IMI Faculty Awards, Grants & Appointments: 2023-24
Shashi Kant and Yue Li were awarded a SSHRC Insight Developmetn Grant grant for Assessment and Reduction Strategies of Scope 3 GHG Emissions of National Sport Events: A Case Study of the Canada Games 2025
Shashi Kant and Wanja Gitari were awarded a U of T Catalyst and Synthesis Grant Developing an SDG Capacity Building Model by Involving Local Agencies for Global Environmental, Social, and Economic Injustices
Shashi Kant recieved a Mitacs Business Strategy Internship Grant for Nature Positive Reporting and Assessment
Shashi Kant recieved a Mitacs Business Strategy Internship Grant for Measuring Social Impact
IMI Faculty Awards, Grants & Appointments: 2022-23
Ann Armstrong has been appointed to the advisory council for the new Institute of Inclusive Economies at UTSC , and to Sitti Soap's International Board (Sitti was incubated at ICUBE!)
Laurel Besco is part of the team awarded a $24 million grant for developing community-tailored clean energy technologies
Shauna Brail received the grant: Co-Investigator, UCL and UofT Strategic Challenges Fund, Critical Dialogues of the Post-Covid City: Urban challenges and sustainable transformations in London and Toronto, with Susannah Bunce and Nicola Livingstone (PIs) and Susan Moore, Michael Short, Alan Walks (Co-Investigators).
Ningyuan Chen won the Roger Martin Award for Excellence in Research at Rotman
Gabe Eidelman released a new report series published by the School of Cities/IMFG on the role of municipalities in housing, economic development, and climate policy, with other topics forthcoming, all available at
Ruben Gaetani’s co-authored paper “The Geography of Unconventional Innovation” was awarded the 2021 Austin Robinson Memorial Prize
Shashi Kant was awarded a Faculty Funding Grant from the Mobility Network for his work on Estimation of Carbon Emissions from Community of Employees and Students to the UTM Campus
Yue Li was awarded the 2023 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award from the American Accounting Association
Andrew Steck’s paper "Industry Dynamics with Social Learning: Evidence from Hydraulic Fracturing" was a finalist (top 5) for the 2022 Young Economist Essay Award by the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics.
Tara Vinodrai and Ben Spigel earned Entrepreneurship & Regional Development’s Best Paper Award 2021 for their paper on how the collapse of Blackberry affected Waterloo’s entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Irene Wiecek won the George Baxter Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Canadian Academic Accounting Association
Otto Yung received the Certificate in Effective University Instruction from ACUE (CTSI) - Ceremony with VP and Provost