The Mobility Network at the University of Toronto is pleased to announce its inaugural round of funding support for undergraduate student research at the University of Toronto Mississauga. The Mobility Network, an Institutional Strategic Initiative, allocates funding to support University of Toronto Mississauga undergraduate students in the pursuit of research alongside leading scholars. This funding is intended to support research that contributes to the Mobility Network’s mission to foster interdisciplinary mobility research that addresses equity and promotes resilient, sustainable and just urban growth and prosperity. Research conducted in partnership with community, government, non-profit and industry organizations is encouraged.
This funding is provided on a competitive basis, with a total of two awards annually, each valued at $5000. Applications will be judged based on academic excellence, future research promise and the fit between the proposed project and the Mobility Network’s mission. Award recipients are expected to work under the supervision of their faculty supervisor for a minimum of 12 weeks between May–August 2022. Faculty supervisors and/or the student’s academic unit are encouraged to provide additional funding support to award recipients. At a minimum, and depending on the total amount of funding, award recipients are expected to work 20 hours/week for 12 weeks. The UTM Mobility Network is strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within its community and research environment and especially welcomes applications from Indigenous students, Black and students of color, women, students with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ students, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of perspective and lived experiences.
University of Toronto Mississauga undergraduate students from any field of study are encouraged to apply together with a faculty supervisor. Preference will be given to students completing their second and third years of study. The proposed work can take place at either the University of Toronto Mississauga or in the field, depending on the requirements of the project, and subject to all university guidelines regarding research practices, as well as health and safety guidelines.
The deadline for applications is April 7, 2022.
Awards will be announced by mid-April, 2022.
For a list of potential student advisors, please see the list of UTM Mobility Network members below. Other UTM faculty members who are interested in becoming members of the Mobility Network are welcome to participate as supervisors.
- Matthew Adams, Assistant Professor, Geography, Geomatics and Environment
- Shauna Brail, Associate Professor, Institute for Management & Innovation
- Ron N. Buliung, Professor, Geography, Geomatics and Environment
- Beth Coleman, Associate Professor, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology
- Tracey Galloway, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
- Tanjim Hossain, Professor, Management
- Marc Johnson, Associate Professor, Biology
- Shashi Kant, Professor, Institute for Management & Innovation
- Stephen Scharper, Associate Professor, Anthropology
- Florian Shkurti, Assistant Professor, Mathematical & Computational Sciences
- Soo Min Toh, Professor, Institute for Management & Innovation
- Tara Vinodrai, Associate Professor, Institute for Management & Innovation
- Alan Walks, Associate Professor, Geography, Geomatics and Environment
- Jue Wang, Assistant Professor, Geography, Geomatics and Environment
- Anthony Wensley, Associate Professor, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology
- David A. Wolfe, Professor, Political Science
Application Information
Mobility Network award applications will be evaluated based on academic excellence and future research promise (50% weighting), and the fit of the research proposal to the Mobility Network’s goal of supporting interdisciplinary mobility research that addresses equity and promotes resilient, sustainable and just urban growth and prosperity (50%).
Conditions of Award
- Submit a final written project report by September 2022 and present findings at UTM-MN workshop in September 2022.
- Acknowledge Mobility Network funding and affiliation in any publications, presentations or reports stemming from grant-funded work.
- Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or foreign student with valid student visa for the full summer work term.
- Registered in a bachelor’s degree program at the University of Toronto Mississauga either as: a) a full-time student, or b) as a part-time student only if it is the student’s final session and part-time classes are all that’s required to complete the degree.
- Students must be registered at the time of application.
- Hold an appointment at the University of Toronto Mississauga
- Member of the Mobility Network (Faculty interested in supervising students are invited to become members of the Mobility Network)
Application Materials
- Completed application form
- Student transcripts from ACORN
Applications are due April 7, 2022. Please send your complete application package to:
Andres Jimenez
Research Associate, Institute for Management & Innovation
University of Toronto Mississauga