Third Annual
Bank of Canada-University of Toronto-IMI-Conference
on the Chinese Economy
Toronto/Mississauga, September 29-30, 2017
- If you would like to register, please contact
- Click here for the Conference agenda
Call for papers
The third annual Conference on the Chinese Economy organized by Bank of Canada, the Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI) and the Department of Economics will be held on September 29-30, 2017 at the University of Toronto Mississauga. This conference aims to provide researchers and policy-makers the opportunity to discuss theoretical and empirical perspectives on China’s recent economic growth experience and its implications for the global economy.
The organizers will cover reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for paper presenters.
Organizing Committee
- Gueorgui Kambourov, University of Toronto
- Mark Kruger, Bank of Canada
- Lin Shao, Bank of Canada
- Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto
Previous Conferences
Programs of the conference in previous years can be found below:
- First Annual Conference on the Chinese Economy (University of Toronto, April 2015)
- Second Annual Conference on the Chinese Economy (University of Toronto, October 2016)
Directions & Accomodations
- Venue: U of T Mississauga Innovation Complex, LL1220
- Directions: view maps of UTM and directions to campus
- Accomodations: