Allison Lucas

Graphics Coordinator & Print Production
Hospitality & Ancillary Services (The Print Shop)

What do you do?
I am part of a team that is responsible for providing print services to all members of the UTM community.

What is your favorite thing about UTM?
The network of colleagues and faculty. I love chatting with people about new and exciting things happening in their departments / fields of research.

What is the part of your role at UTM that you like the most?
I love when I’m able to help someone accomplish what they need to do – whether it’s ideas or working with them on a project for their department.

What do you like doing outside of work?
Outside of the office, I spend my time refereeing hockey and fishing.

What is your favorite food?
Smoked salmon

I’m also the Head Coach of the UTM Eagles women’s hockey team in the Tri-Campus league!