Instructional Centre

- Certified LEED® Silver
- 2012 International Interior Design Association (IIDA) - Global Excellence Awards; Best of Category - Cultural/Institutional/Educational
- 2012 Interior Design Magazine - Best of Year Award; Honouree, Education Category
- 2012 North American Copper in Architecture Award
- 2012 International Interior Design Association (IIDA) - 39th Annual Interior Design Competition (IDC); Best of Category - Institutional/Educational
- 2011 Mississauga Urban Design Award - Award of Excellence
- 2011 High Performance New Construction (HPNC) - Commitment to energy efficiency in Ontario - Certificate of Recognition
Construction was completed in 2011 on the Instructional Centre, which houses lecture theatres, computer labs and classrooms. The building is certified LEED silver. Green features of the building include:
- it was built over the site of an existing parking lot, so no green space was eliminated to construct it
- a ground-source heat pump (sometimes called geothermal) heating and cooling system, which reduces energy use in the building (see Energy page)
- a 21 kW solar electric system (see Energy page)
- orientation of the building to maximize natural light
- energy-efficient lighting, computer and AV equipment
- water-efficient fixtures
- use of durable, local building materials with renewable or recycled content.