BikeShare Rules and Regulations
BikeShare is a free service to members of the UofT community.
Renting a bike is a privilege, not a right; please treat the program with respect.
All renters are required to read and understand this document as well as the waiver form before signing out any BikeShare equipment.
BikeShare equipment includes bikes, lock, keys and helmets, as well as all tools owned by UTM BikeShare.
- All renters must provide accurate information about themselves, and must read and sign a waiver form before signing out any BikeShare equipment.
- Bike, lock, and safety gear rentals are up to 1 week. If a bike is rented out on a Thursday or Friday, it may be returned the following Monday.
- All BikeShare equipment must be returned during the BikeShare hours of operation on their due date to avoid penalties. If for any reason you cannot comply with this rule, you must e-mail BikeShare before your due date and time, and request to have the bike returned on the next business day.
- Signed out bikes may be left on the BikeShare bike racks. The renter is responsible for the bike as well as all other related equipment until they have been officially signed back in by BikeShare staff.
- Renters can be held financially responsible for any loss of or damage to any BikeShare equipment while they have been signed out.
- Failure to report or pay for damages will be dealt with by Campus Police as stolen or damaged property.
- If a bicycle is returned late, there is a $2.50 fee for each day it is late. This fee is payable in cash only and renting privileges will be suspended until all fees are paid in full.
- Renters are responsible for knowing and obeying all traffic laws and taking safety precautions including wearing a helmet. Do not rent a bike if you are unsure of your riding ability. BikeShare or its affiliates will not be held responsible for any damages to yourself or other person or property that may have occurred while using any BikeShare equipment.
- BikeShare staff have the right to refuse rental of a bike to any person(s).
If you have any questions, we can be reached by email at