Fall/Winter Opportunities


Applications are closed! 

How to Apply 

  1. Log on to CLNx.
  2. On the menu, click: Jobs & Recruitment > On-Campus Jobs
  3. Under the "Search Posting" section search for the CLNx Job ID: 245232
  4. Click "Apply" at the top, under the posting title and have your documents ready!
  5. Submit your completed application!

Types of Fall/Winter Opportunities 

The CSE offers over 70 unique fall/winter opportunities, that encourage career exploration and professional growth. Here are some of the many positions we are currently hiring for:

Communications Assistant 

Communication assistants create, design, and capture visual and video material for CSE programs and events across multiple platforms. Student staff also participate in social media management and planning campus wide marketing campaigns.

Student Groups Assistant 

Student Group Support roles provide outreach, assistance and training to student organizations. They also develop innovative and interactive outreach initiatives with the goal of building relationships with clubs and student societies on campus. 

Engagement Events Assistant

Engagement Events Assistants participate in the creation, organization and implementation of on-campus programming and events. Some examples include Orientation, Exam Jam, and Engaging Faculty Events. 

Co-Curricular Assistant 

Co-curricular assistants promote the importance of getting involved outside the classroom. They also provide support to students who have questions about CCR and focus on communication, collaboration and community building at UTM. 

Inclusion Assistant 

Inclusion assistants cultivate a sense of belonging for marginalized students and provide support at UTM. They prioritize fostering a strong on campus community with a specific emphasis on first year support, by providing open communication channels and peer support initiatives. 


For all questions and feedback regarding Hiring, reach us at: