Renewal Student Organizations

Renewal Student Organizations

Renewal Student Organizations are organizations that have been active on the CCR in the previous academic year. Renewal Groups must renew their status on the SOP portal and must annually renew their CCR status by following the steps outlined below

Renewing Your CCR Status

1. SOP You must be active on SOP; please remember to renew your organization’s status every academic year.

2. Attend a CCR Training session.

3. Ensure you have a validator. The deadline to find a validator is December 6, 2024.

4. Submit a CCR Application on Folio by December 6th, 2024. In the application, you will be given the option to update, change and/or add positions on the CCR. This is also where you inform us of who your validator is for 2024-2025.

5. As usual, meet with your validator a minimum of 2 times a year and provide them with required documentation.

  • Meet with your validator in September/October to share your group's goals for the year. Complete the Validator Meeting Form located on Folio and submit to your validator.
  • Meet with your validator in late March one last time to reflect on the year and provide them with one Individual Tracking Sheet for each person seeking CCR validation. Also, come prepared with your completed CCR Student Validation Form for them to review.
  • We strongly encourage that you meet with your validator in late January to provide them with an update on how your student group is progressing.

6. Upload your CCR Student Validation Form to Folio. Once submitted, your validator will be able to approve the submission.


For additional support, all questions and feedback regarding the Co-Curricular Record (CCR), please contact the CCR Team by reaching out to:

Laura Walkling
Supervisor, Leadership Education