Promoting Academic Skills for Success (PASS)

A collage featuring a student and program coordinator seated at a table, students sitting together chatting, and a student engaging in the healthy behaviour of drinking water. Image features the RGASC graphic logo on the right hand side.

PASS is a 6-week non-credit program run in-person through the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre. It is for UTM academically at-risk undergraduate students who are: 

  • On academic probation or academic suspension 
  • Entering the university under probationary status 
  • Currently in good-standing, but who are trending towards academic probation 

The PASS program aims to help students adopt healthy long-term study strategies and understand the keys to success in their courses. 

Upcoming Registration Information 

PASS is offered once per academic term beginning in mid-October, early February, and early June. Registration may close earlier than the listed dates if the program capacity is reached. Students would need to register for the next cycle.

Key Timeframes Winter 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025
Registration Start September 27January 17May 16
Registration Deadline January 16, at 4:00PM (EST)May 15, at 4:00PM (EST)September 18, at 4:00PM (EST)
Intake Timeline Week of January 7 to Week of January 20Week of May 5 to Week of May 19Week of September 15 to Week of September 29
Classes begin Week of January 27Week of May 26Week of October 6
Classes end April 2024Week of July 14Week of November 24

Register for the Summer 2025 cycle of PASS

How does PASS work?

The PASS program has three phases: an intake process, the classes, and an exit process. 

Intake Process 

checklist on clipboard icon
  • Online survey 
  • 15-minute online intake meeting with a Learning Strategist



figure in front of podium icon
  • 6 weekly in-person class meetings 
  • In-class activities and discussions 
  • Reflection and exploratory assignments


Exit Process 

Arrow in front of door pointing to the right to indicate exit
  • Online survey 
  • 15-minute online exit meeting with a Learning Strategist 
  • 15-minute online consultation with a Writing Instructor

To begin the PASS program, students must complete the full intake process. 

The PASS classes will take place on fixed days and times over six or seven weeks and cannot be re-scheduled. To successfully complete the PASS program, students must fully attend all six classes and complete all the assigned work. 

Students who successfully complete the PASS program will be invited for additional academic skills development and exploration called “PASS Term 2”. 

PASS Topics and Assignments 

The PASS program is led by RGASC staff members and involves valuable contributions from staff from the Office of the Registrar, UTM Library, Career Centre, and the Health & Counselling Centre. Through the PASS program, students will develop strategies in academic skills, managing their physical and mental wellness, and their career and professional development. 

The PASS modular topics are: 

  1. Study planning and note-taking 
  2. Exam and test preparation 
  3. Information literacy and writing 
  4. Writing 
  5. Numeracy 
  6. Health and wellness, careers, and academic advising 

The exact order of the modules may vary from cycle to cycle.

 “The experience I had with PASS was amazing. It really helped me to figure out ways to improve my study methods and health. I had so much fun in every session as I met new people and got to bond while learning valuable lessons together. PASS has truly changed my mindset about school and allowed me to be more confident in going back to school. I know that I can now start my semester without any worry.” 

PASS is not like a traditional credit-based course. Your classes will include group discussions and activities facilitated by your Learning Strategist and your Program Assistants. Your homework aims to facilitate your exploration, reflection, and planning for each module’s specific topics. It will be assessed to focus on giving you feedback so that you can further develop your plans in academic and related contexts and how you will support your academic journey.  

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