The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre (RGASC) provides UTM instructors and teaching assistants with support through individual consultations, formative observations of teaching practices, academic skills workshops, and initiatives and programs focused on the enhancement of student learning.
Support for Instructors
We offer Instructors the following:
- Pedagogical Consultations
- Programming for Instructors
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Funding Opportunities
- Support for your Students
To book a confidential individual appointment, contact: eddev.utm@utoronto.ca.
Formative teaching observations can be requested through the UTM Teaching Observation Request Form.
RGASC Participation in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and Pedagogical Research
The RGASC’s mandate is to help students identify and develop the academic skills they need to succeed in their studies and to work with faculty and teaching assistants to help them create the best possible environments for learning in their classes, labs, and tutorials. In pursuit of that mandate, the RGASC collects data on all its programs and services for internal quality assurance and assessment purposes. These data, including attendance lists and students’ contact information, are used for internal purposes only. The RGASC does not and will not share students’ personal information with its partners.
If you are a scholar (including faculty, instructors, librarians, and staff at the University of Toronto Mississauga) interested in partnering with the RGASC for a SoTL or pedagogical research project, please contact the Director directly to determine how the RGASC can support you. In general, the RGASC will consider collaborating with other units on research or scholarly projects if data are anonymized and the following conditions are met:
- The Director has approved the research as being consistent with the RGASC’s mandate
- A staff or faculty member of the RGASC is involved in the design, planning, and execution of the research.
- The research is covered by a University of Toronto Research Ethics Board protocol that outlines the methods by which information from RGASC students will be collected.