March 2025SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 2 3PART: Descriptive Statistics (Part 2) 10am to 12pm (RGASC)4Math Drop-in, 12pm to 2pm (RGASC)5PART: Conducting Interviews (Part 2) 10am to 12pm (RGASC)PART: Special Topic in STEM (Part 2) 3pm to 4pm (RGASC)PART: Working with Supervisors (Part 2) 4pm to 5pm (RGASC)6PART: Leading a Focus Group (Part 2) 10am to 12pm (RGASC)PART: Inferential Statistics (Part 2) 2pm to 4pm (RGASC)7 8 9 10 11Math Drop-in, 12pm to 2pm (RGASC)Workshop: Ungrading, Why grades can sometimes compromise student engagement and what you can do instead - 2pm to 3:40pm (CDRS MN3230)12PART: Survey Techniques (Part 1) 1pm to 3pm (RGASC)13Game Café - 11am to 3pm (MN 2nd Floor Foyer)PART: Special Topic in the Humanities (PART 2) 1pm to 2pm (RGASC)14PART: Communicating your Research (Part 2) 1pm to 2pm (RGASC)15 16 17 18Math Drop-in, 12pm to 2pm (RGASC)19Study Skills Drop-in - 10:30am to 12pm (Student Services Hub)Caribbean & Black Writing Collective - 1pm to 3pm (MN3233) PART: Survey Techniques (Part 2) 1pm to 3pm (RGASC)20Workshop: Assessing Collaborative Learning and Group Work - 1pm to 2:30pm (CDRS MN3230)21 22 23 24 25Math Drop-in, 12pm to 2pm (RGASC)26Caribbean & Black Writing Collective - 1pm to 3pm (MN3233) Workshop: Notebook LM - 2pm to 3pm (CDRS MN3230)27Game Café - 11am to 3pm (CCT Atrium)28 29 30 31 April 2025SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1Last Math Drop-inPELS Student Hour - 1pm to 2pm (RGASC)2Study Skills Drop-in - 10:30am to 12pm (RGASC)3Last day of Writing Studio Drop-in4Last day of appointmentsPART Deal Reflections due5 6 7 8Exam Jam9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18University Closed19 20 21 22 23 24 25ISUP 4th Annual Colloquium (CDRS MN3230)26 27 28PART Summer Institute begins29 30 View the PART Schedule View the FSG Schedule Upcoming Events for Instructors