CERASTONE: Pottery Neolithic Plant-Foodways

Project overview

This project is focused on investigating the causes and processes for the adoption of pottery in the Southern Levant. It is a collaboration with the Dr. Julien Viegue (CNRS), the Scientific leader of the project. The project is funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR). Researchers at the RLEA are leading the microbotanical residue analysis. This work is uncovering how and what kinds of plant foods were cooked in the earliest pottery in the region.

Main project website

Related publications

J. Vieugué, M.N. Ramsey & Y. Garfinkel
2022    Plant cooking among the first pottery-making societies in the Southern Levant: an insight from carbonized residues of pottery. In Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula & Maria Ntinou (Eds.), Cooking with Plants in Ancient Europe and Beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the Archaeology of Plant Foods. Sidestone press


pottery artifact
Pottery sherd
pottery artifact
Pottery sherd
microscopic image of wheat husk phytolith
cf. Wheat husk phytolith
microscopic image
cf. Wheat husk phytolith