Prospective Members

stone bridge over pond surrounded by trees
Pictured: Stone bridge over pond on the University of Toronto Mississauga campus. Photo by Randy Landicho © University of Toronto Mississauga.

Students from any discipline with an interest in paleoethnobotany and environmental archaeology are encouraged to work with us in the RLEA. We have a range of student opportunities from volunteering in ongoing research projects or conducting student funded research projects. Please contact Prof. Ramsey for more information.

Undergraduate Opportunities (research internships, volunteer)

Volunteer opportunities are always available in the RLEA. Interested students should contact Prof. Ramsey  to enquire. Students with at least one semester of experience volunteering in the laboratory may have the opportunity to work with Prof. Monica Ramsey to develop a primary research project application (e.g., UTM Dean’s Undergraduate Research Grants, Research Opportunity Program). Such projects can also be completed for course credit.

Graduate Student Opportunities

Prof. Monica Ramsey is potentially recruiting one PhD and one MA student to join the laboratory this year (for program information see Prospective Graduate Students). Students with an interest in paleoethnobotany, particularly microbotanical analysis, and the study of past human-environment interactions are welcome to apply. Please contact Prof. Ramsey directly to discuss your potential application.