PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning


PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning is a year-long seminar and practicum on issues relating to the life-long development of individuals with disabilities.  Students in their third or fourth year of the Specialist Program in Exceptionality in Human Learning are required to take this seminar.  It is also available to Psychology Specialists; Psychology Majors and Minors; Neuroscience Specialists; and Forensic Psychology Specialists on a competitive basis.  The course combines academic material (readings, weekly seminars, assignments, and field trips) with practical experience in a community-based setting with exceptional children, youth or adults. Seminars take place on Thursday afternoons at UTM.  The practicum portion involves an 80 hour supervised placement in a school or social service agency, with emphasis on developmental delay, physical disability, and/or hearing and visual impairment. Students must attend their Field Placements at least 3 hours per week during all weeks that classes are held.  The course also fulfills the 400 level seminar requirement for the Psychology Specialist Program.

The objectives of the Field Placement are as follows:
To provide students with direct experience working with exceptional children, adolescents and/or adults in the context of a school, clinic, community agency or other setting approved by the Course Instructor.  Every effort is made to ensure that the placement differs from students’ previous experiences.

  1. To stimulate philosophical and practical discussions of disability issues based on students’ experiences.
  2. To enable students to evaluate their suitability for a variety of careers involving exceptional people, including education, counseling, rehabilitation, advocacy, research and writing.

Field Placements will be allocated in the end of June, taking into account students’ past experiences, goals, interests, and transportation needs.  Some placements only take place on certain days; otherwise, one half-day dedicated to the Field Placement component per week is arranged between supervisor and student.

Best efforts are made to place students in sites that are appropriate to their academic backgrounds, interests, and experiences, but there are no guarantees as to the type of placement that is provided. Students may be asked to attend an interview with their provided placement site supervisors prior to beginning their placement work. All placements are subject to agreement by both the placement site and the student. 

Exclusion: PSY345H5

Prerequisites: 10 completed credits by Sept. 1 2023, including PSY210H5/240H5, 1.0 additional 300+ level credit in Psychology. Preference is given to students who have taken several 300 series courses in developmental and/or abnormal psychology.

Please note, students accepted to PSY442 typically hold 14 credits, and are in their final year of study.

Course Instructor: Dr. Stuart Kamenetsky.

Important Note: Should students from abroad wish to participate in a paid or unpaid Internship, Community Engaged Learning courses, and/or to conduct on-campus research, it is highly recommended that the UTM International Education Centre (IEC) be contacted early on to ensure that you are applying for the proper documentation as the process differs for undergraduate and graduate students.  Please contact to determine your eligibility.


You must prepare the following documents in order to have your application considered (pdf required):

  1. Résumé (first review the résumé writing offered by the UTM Career Centre).  The resume should include all work and volunteer experience in reverse chronological order starting with the present.
  2. Statement of Interest (minimum 200 words).  The Statement should include:
    1. What career you are working towards
    2. Why you have chosen your academic programs and future career
    3. Why you would like to take this course
      Make sure you include your full name, student number, and email address

Application Portal »

Application Deadline: end of April

  • Students will be notified by the beginning of the fourth week of May as to whether or not they were accepted into this course. 

For more information pertaining to this course, please contact
Dr. Stuart Kamenetsky (Course Instructor)
For questions related to your application submission and process, please contact 
Samantha Clarizio (Experiential Learning Officer).