Study Psychology, the scientific exploration of mind, brain, and behaviour

Programs in the Psychology Department
HBSc in Psychology
Offered as either a Minor, Major, or Specialist.
HBSc in Exceptionality in Human Learning (specialist)
Applied for after a student's second year of study in the Psychology program.
HBSc in Neuroscience (specialist)
Applied for after a student's second year of study in the Psychology program.
Possible careers for graduates
- Psychologist
- Researcher
- Career counsellor
- Child and youth worker
- Psychometrist or data scientist
- Developmental service worker
- Human resources specialist
- Public relations specialist
- Laboratory technician
- Speech language pathologist.
Possible workplaces for graduates
- Educational institutions
- Research institutes
- Medical/health organizations
- Not-for-profit agencies
- Government
- Correction and rehabilitation facilities
- Community services
- Industry research and development
- Marketing and Advertising