Academic Resources

Finding Articles in Psychology

There are two ways of accessing PsycINFO: through ProQuest (looks more like the old Scholars Portal) and Ovid. Get started using PsycINFO: Thesaurus searching and building complex searches.

For citation searching, use Web of Science and Scopus. Don't forget to check Ulrich's if you need to verify whether a journal is scholarly and peer-reviewed (REFEREED).

Writing at the University of Toronto

The University of Toronto expects its students to write well, and it provides a number of resources to help them. To find what you need, start with our page of Frequently Asked Questions, investigate Writing Centres and Writing Courses, look at our Advice pages, and read the latest News about writing support programs.

Instructors at the University of Toronto should refer to pages listed in the Faculty section for ideas on integrating writing instruction into course material. If you teach writing as a subject (or want to), look in particular at our pages on Teaching Writing. Teachers from across the Web are welcome to create links to the Advice pages in course material and to copy our printer-friendly PDF Advice files. If you use our material, however, please follow the guidelines laid out in our Fair-Use Policy.

Students and writers of all varieties are welcome to read and benefit from our Advice pages.

Psychology Librarian

David Gerstle