Courses Requiring Application

These position are similar to a volunteer research position, but it is usually more project-based since the faculty list specific projects they need research help with. The ROP is a University-run program in which qualified students earn course credit by obtaining intermediate-level research experiences in research labs on specific lab projects. Students are typically expected to commit 8-10 hours per week. The qualification varies across opportunities and is described in program specifications for each program. Typically, ROP students might be involved in the same activities as  research volunteers, but some ROP opportunities might require prior experiences as a research volunteer.

Application Process »

An Individual Project is an intensive laboratory or applied research project for students who seek training and/or exposure complementary to that provided for by our regular course offerings.  It is a student's responsibility to obtain prior consent of a supervisor from the Department of Psychology who will closely observe and then evaluate the project.

A project proposal might be requested by your proposed supervisor.  The proposal should include a description of the method of evaluation of the work.  Check with your supervisor if this is required. 

Application Process»

The Psychology Thesis Program provides advanced undergraduate students with an opportunity to conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member, culminating in a written thesis. Students enrolled in the thesis course (PSY400Y) also attend weekly meetings to discuss: (a) general topics important to conducting research; (b) student research proposals; and (c) the outcomes of research projects.

Independent research supervised by individual faculty members. Seminars on general topics relevant to conducting independent research, student research proposals, and the presentation of findings.

Application Process »

As a science, psychology investigates why and how humans and nonhuman animals feel, think, and behave in the ways they do. Our discoveries can be harnessed for societal good when the insights gained from psychological research are communicated accurately to the public. In this course, students will participate in seminars to learn to communicate effectively about scientific discoveries and engage in the process of knowledge translation. Students will also work with a Psychology faculty supervisor to create and deliver knowledge translation products.

Application Process»

PSY442Y5 is a year-long seminar and practicum on issues relating to the life-long development of individuals with disabilities.  Students in their third or fourth year of the Specialist Program in Exceptionality in Human Learning are required to take this seminar.  It is also available to Psychology Specialists; Exceptionality in Human Learning Majors; Psychology Majors and Minors; Neuroscience Specialists; and Forensic Psychology Specialists on a competitive basis.  The course combines academic material (readings, weekly seminars, assignments, and field trips) with practical experience in a community-based setting with exceptional children, youth or adults. Seminars take place on Thursday afternoons at UTM.  The practicum portion involves an 80 hour supervised placement in a school or social service agency, with emphasis on developmental delay, physical disability, and/or hearing and visual impairment. Students must attend their Field Placements at least 3 hours per week during all weeks that classes are held.  The course also fulfills the 400 level seminar requirement for the Psychology Specialist Program. 

Application Process»