May 30, 2024 - DV 3130
Jason Payne
Out of Control or Under Our Control: Addressing Shared-Method Response Bias in Self-Report Data
Simran Rehal
Investigating the role of vACC in Placebo Analgesia
Luis De La Vina
Children's reasoning about the impact of incidental and integral emotions on cognitive performance
April 18, 2024 - DV 3130
Tiana Simovic
Exploring the Depth of Social Reasoning in Language Comprehension
Anne Cabildo
Exploring Children's Domain-Specific Knowledge Through Speech and Song
Sean En Si Chen
Investigating the Effects of H2A.Z Hypervariants on Neuronal Gene Regulation and Memory
March 21, 2024 - DV 3130
Emma Galarneau
Sexual/gender minority mental health disparities in adolescence: Effects of adverse peer and family experiences
Sarah Scott
Investigating the mechanisms of sexual orientation disclosure on wellness outcomes
Anna Liu
The role of linguistic experiences on attention to speech in auditory scenes
February 29, 2024 - DV 3130
Hanieh Naeimi
Diversity Ideologies and Cultural Sharing in Intercultural Romantic Relationships
Victoria Pringle
What is the Moral Person Like?
February 1, 2024 - DV 3130
Joaquin San Agustin
Gene Expression as a Mechanism for the Differentiation of Social Phenotype
Zainab Haseeb
What’s Your Type? Psychophysics of Variable Fonts
Timothy McLean
mH2A1.1-PARP1 interactions regulate memory
Steven Luo
An emerging role of H2A.Z in Alzheimer’s disease
F. Ece Özkan
A cross-linguistic approach to reasoning: Turkish-speaking and English-speaking children’s metatalk and belief revision
November 23, 2023 - DV 3130
Yachen Li
Judging Prosocially Motivated Wrongdoings
Gideon Park
Partner (In)Congruence in Gender Role Attitudes and Relationship Satisfaction
Stephanie Shishis
The First Steps Towards Optimizing Zebrafish Housing Conditions: The Effect of Tank Size & Fish Density on the Behaviour of Zebrafish
November 2, 2023 - DV 3130
Elizabeth Long
“Me in a nutshell”: Exploring the Content and Properties of Self-Defining Traits
Xinye Peng
Machine Learning Aided Study of Factors Predicting Variation in Naked Mole-Rat Aggression
Daisy Hu
Cortical Structure and Female Sexual/Gender Diversity: A Comparison of Thai Heterosexual Men and Women, Lesbians, Toms, and Dees
September 28, 2023 - DV 3130
Iva Zovkic
Epigenetic Basis of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease
Anna Kosovicheva
Why We Can’t See Eye to Eye: Individual Differences in Visual Perception in the Lab and Beyond
Will Huggon
Career Trajectory for a Teaching Stream
June 22, 2023 - DV 3130 & Zoom
Harashdeep Deol
Social Modulation of Pain in Drug-Naïve Cohabitants of Mice Administered Chronic Morphine
Jennifer Chan
Application of Heart Rate Fragmentation as a Novel Biomarker for Assessing Allostatic Load
May 25, 2023 - DV 3130 & Zoom
Jason Payne
How Are You? The Nomological Net of Influences on General Wellbeing Judgements
Luis de la Viña
When Positive Emotions Are Not So Positive: Children's and Adults' Understanding of How Emotional Valence and Intensity Impact Attention
April 13, 2023 - Zoom
Tiana Simovic
How does Social Reasoning Guide Pronoun Resolution?
Greer Gillies
How Does the Memorability Benefit Emerge Over Time?
Ashley Dhillon
Attitudes Towards Gender-Stereotypical Child Rearing Practices by Parents of Cisgender and Gender-diverse Children in Northern Thailand
Nursima Ünver
Stimulus Uncertainty Modulates Similarity-Induced Memory Bias
March 23, 2023 - DV 3130 & Zoom
Jaweria Qaiser
Understanding Compassion Fatigue
Laura MacMullin
Empathy, Gender Stereotyping, and Trait Perceptions of Gender-Diverse Peers Among 8- to 11-year-olds
Mariela Faykoo-Martinez
Sociobiological Factors Have Widespread Effects on Brain Morphology in Eusocial Mammals as Revealed by a High Resolution 3D Atlas
Hanieh Naeimi
Intercultural Romantic Relationships
Zaiyuan Hu
Personality Development in Racialized Emerging Adults
Sarra Jiwa
Person Perception in Online Dating and Romantic Interactions
February 23, 2023 - Zoom
Anna Liu
Does Language Background Affect Our Attention to Speech in Complex Scenes?
Xinye Peng
Navigation Strategy in Naked Mole-rats
Ben Tsang
Fishes in Behavioral Neuroscience Research
Emily Shroads
Dealing with Variability in Speech
Anne Cabildo
Repeat After Me: Exploring What Children’s Speaking and Singing Reveals About Their Domain-specific Knowledge
Sarah Scott
Identity and the Physiological Stress Response
January 26, 2023 - MN 5128 & Zoom
Samuel Ronfard
How Children Come to Think New Thoughts
Doug VanderLaan
Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here?
Norman Farb
All the Feels: The Surprising Role of Sensation in Mental Health
November 24, 2022 - DV 3130 & Zoom
Natalie Sisson
Thank You for Changing: Gratitude Promotes Successful Partner Regulation and Relationship Satisfaction Through Autonomous Motivation
Joseph Saito
Attentional Prioritization in Working Memory Changes Interactions with Task-Relevant Perception
Tim McLean
Interactions between the histone variant macroH2A1.1 and PARP1 regulate neuronal transcription and memory
October 27, 2022 - DV 3130 & Zoom
Sandra Poulson
A Neurotransmitter Drives the Nocebo Effect in a Mouse Model of Socially Enhanced Pain
Elizabeth Long
Self as Both Judge and Target: How Does Personality Consistency Impact People’s Knowledge of What They are Like in General?
September 29, 2022 - DV 3130 & Zoom
Keisuke Fukuda
Why Does my Memory Suck?
Melissa Holmes
Making Sense of Mole-rats: Why we Study Unusual Animals to Learn about the Social Brain
Benjamin Wolfe
Applied Perception Research, or the Art of Avoiding a Moose to the Face
Robert Gerlai
Why 75 Thousand Scientists Study Zebrafish Around the World, and How Do We at UTM Contribute to This Work? Robert Gerlai on the Role of Zebrafish in Behavioural Neuroscience Research and Teaching.
June 23, 2022 - Zoom
Tiana Simovic
Title: Using Perspective Cues to Guide Pronominal Reference Interpretation
Thomas St. Pierre
Title: What Goes Up, Might Come Down: The Development of Language Biases Across Childhood
May 26, 2022 - Zoom
Norhan Elsaadawy
Title: Who Would Like Me? Within-Person Variability in Meta-liking Judgments at Zero-Acquaintance
Nathan Leonhardt
Title: Orgasm Consistency in Mixed-Gender Couples: Actor, Partner, and Discrepancy Effects from Dyadic Response Surface Analysis
March 24, 2022 - Zoom
Laura MacMullin
Title: A Qualitative Analysis of Risk and Resilience Among BIPOC Trans Youth
Jida Jaffan
Title: The Icing on the Cake. Or is it Frosting? How Group Membership Affects Children’s Lexical Choices
Yachen Li
Title: Hurting to Help the Ones You Love: Perception of Prosocial Immoral Acts
February 24, 2022 - Zoom
Mariela Faykoo-Martinez
Title: Transcriptional Changes in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in an Extreme Model of Pubertal Suppression
Jennifer Chan
Title: Associations amongst Police Lethal Force Errors, Stress, and Mental Health
Lindsey Thurston
Title: Sex/Gender Differences in Adolescent White Matter Microstructure
February 3, 2022 - Zoom
Debanjan Borthakur
Title: Breathing Biofeedback for Post-Traumatic Stress Injury
Luis De la Vina Simon
Title: Sociomoral Evaluations of Commitments and Violations of Interpersonal Trust in Testimonial Exchanges
Gideon Park
Title: Within-person Associations Between Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction Over Time
Ashley Kaur Dhillon
Title: Construct Validity of the Dual Gender Identity Interview
Victoria Pringle
Title: What Does it Mean to Get to Know Someone?
Zahra Siddiqi
Title: The Limit of Discriminability in Zebrafish
Jaweria Qaiser
Title: Understanding Compassion Fatigue
Levi Stutzman
Title: The Development of Sensitivity to Beat Gesture Asynchrony
Stephanie Shishis
Title: Have We Been Keeping Zebrafish Wrong? Housing Density and Tank Size Affect Behavioural Responses in Adult Zebrafish
November 25, 2021 - Zoom
Rebecca Horne
Title: Sacrifice and Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships
Natalie Sisson
Title: The Benefits of Living with Close Others: A Longitudinal Examination of Mental Health Before and During a Global Stressor
Jason Payne
Title: The Personality Structure of Affect Revisited
October 28, 2021 - Zoom
Amanda Facciol
Title: Developmental Stage-Dependent Effects of Embryonic Ethanol Exposure on Social Behaviour and Neurochemistry in Adult Zebrafish
Jennet Baumbach
Title: Central Sensitization Regulates Responses to Painful and Stressful Stimuli after
Recovery from CFA-Induced Pain in Male Mice
Sandra Poulson
Title: Neural Basis for Socially Enhanced Pain in Mice
September 30, 2021 - Zoom
Navdeep Lidhar
Title: The Role of Opioid Receptors in Social Approach Behaviour to Conspecifics in Pain
Emma Mannan
Title: Role of Dynorphin in Chronic Pain and Associated Working Memory Impairment in Mice
Joseph Saito
Title: Judgments During Perceptual Comparisons Predict Distinct Forms of Memory Updating
June 17, 2021 - Zoom
Taylor Irvine
Title: Sociosexual, Anxiety-, and Depression-Like Behaviour in Transgenic and Hormonally Induced Models of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Caitlin Tozios
Title: The Multiple Encoding Benefit: Encoding Opportunities Amplify Benefits from Encoding Duration in Visual Long-Term Memory
Harashdeep Deol
Title: The Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Vicarious Pain Perception in Undergraduate Students
Jason Payne
Title: A Look into the Construct Validity of Global Life-Satisfaction Judgments
May 20, 2021 - Zoom
Emma Galarneau
Title: Feeling Bad about Feeling Mad: Anger Predicts Lower Aggression and Higher Non-Aggressive Disruptive Behavior in Children with Higher Ethical Guilt
Yiyi Wang
Title: Mental Training for Academic Success during the Pandemic
Ruofang (Sonny) Wang
Title: Exploring Connections between Inference and Perspective Taking in Reading
April 22, 2021 - Zoom
Kyle Logie
Title: What's in a Breath? Clarifying the Role of Interoceptive Awareness in the Transfer of Arousal
Anas Reda
Title: Acetylation as a Modifier of H2A.Z Function in Memory
Tiana Simovic
Title: How does General Cognition fit into Real-time Language Comprehension?
March 25, 2021 - Zoom
Greer Gillies
Title: Tracing the Emergence of Stimulus Memorability
Amanda Leonetti
Title: The Diversity of RNA Modifications at the Synapse and their Role during Memory Formation
Jida Jaffan
Title: Mirroring Language with Virtual Agents
Tim McLean
Title: Role of mH2A1 Splice Variants in Neuronal Transcription and Memory Formation
March 5, 2020 - DV UTM Room
Priscilla Fung
Title: Monolingual and Bilingual Toddlers' Reliance on the Mutual Exclusivity Principle and Statistics to Learn Colour Labels
Madeleine Yu
Title: Re-evaluating the Other Accent Effect in Talker Recognition
Feb 20, 2020 - DV 3130
Rachel Forbes
Title: When the Mighty Fall: Harsher responses to the moral transgressions of the powerful
Yachen Li
Title: Awe and Perspective Taking
Jan 23, 2020 - DV UTM Room
Nathan Leonhardt
Title: Relationship Satisfaction and Commitment Trajectories in the Transition to Parenthood: A Latent Class Growth Analysis Approach
Raheleh Saryazdi
Title: Communicative Perspective Taking with a Social Robot
Nov 21, 2019 - DV 3130
Laura MacMullin
Title: Examining the Relation between Gender Nonconformity and Psychological Well-Being in Children: The Roles of Peers and Parents
Diana Peragine
Title: It's Not Who You Are, but Who You're With:Re-examining the Gender Gap in Coital Debut Satisfaction
Lindsey Thurston
Title: Mental Rotation Task Performance in a Gender Diverse Thai Sample: A Test of Neurohormonal Theory
Paula Di Nota
Title: Police Stress and Memory: Implications for Policy and Practice
May 27, 2019 - Council Chambers
Ilapreet Toor
Title: Tracking the Life History of the Naked Mole-rat
Robert Redford
Title: What Do People Tell Us When They Say They Are mindful? The Influence of Positive Biases and Mediation Experience
Thanh Phung
Title: Genital Stimulation Facilitates a Sexual Reward State in Male and Female Mice
Monica Ghabrial
Title: Exploring the Feasibility and Potential Benefits of Web-based Support for Women Living with HIV
April 29, 2019 - Council Chambers
Rebecca Horne
Title: The Sex was Good - No - Great! Emotion Regulation during Sex and Sexual and Relationship Well-being
Maxwell Barranti
Title: Evaluative Bias in Moral
Navi Lidhar
Title: The Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Social Modulation of Pain
Troy Collins
Title: The Effects of Social Novelty on Cell Proliferation in a Eusocial Mammal
April 15, 2019 - Council Chambers
Natalie Sisson
Title: How Do You Change a Narcissist? Partner Regulation As A Function of Narcissism
Mariela Faykoo-Martinez
Title: Identifying Molecular Mechanisms of Socially-Mediated Pubertal Suppression
Mahmoud Bitar
Title: Investigating The Androgenic Regulation of Sexually Dimorphic Mouse Major Urinary Protein Phermones
Vassilia Michailidis
Title: Characterizing Glial Changes in the Comorbidity Between Chronic Pain & Depression
April 1, 2019 - Council Chambers
James Kim
Title: Sociosexual Orientation as a Bidemensional Construct
Firyal Ramzan
Title: Androgen Receptors and Histone Variant H2A.Z Interact to Regulate Fear
Joanna Peplak
Title: Adolescents' Narratives of Schadenfreude
March 4, 2019 - Council Chambers
Raheleh Saryazdi
Title: Age Differences In Perspective Taking During Real-Time Language Comprehension
Erinn Acland
Title: Resting Vagal Activity & Prosociality in Children
Jennifer Chan
Title: HRV Biofeedback & Reducing Lethal Use-Of-Force Errors In Police Officers Exposed to Trauma
February 4, 2019 - UTM Room (Previously Faculty Club)
Eleanor Myatt
Title: Helping Others & Recieving Help: Refugee Children's Narration of Prosocial Receiving
Rachel Forbes
Title: Responses To The Moral Transgressions of The Powerful
Caitlin Tozios
Title: Successful Encoding Into Visual Long-Term Memory Is Determined By The Number of Encoding Opportunities Instead of Visual Working
January 21, 2019 - Council Chambers (DV 3130)
Norhan Elsaadawy
Title: Self-Knowledge and Interpersonal Perception
Nathan Leonhardt
Title: An Organizational Framework for Sexual Media's Influence on Sexual Quality
November 26, 2018 - Council Chambers (DV 3130)
Thomas Anderson
Title: Microdosing Psychedelics: Setting a Foundation
Laura MacMullin
Title: Self-Harm and Suicidality In Gender-Nonconforming Children: A Canadian Community-Based Study
Diana Peragine
Title: Sex Difference or Learned Difference in Sexual "Drive"? Towards an Incentive Motivation Model of Sexual Desire Development
January 22, 2018 - Council Chambers (DV 3130)
Rebecca Horne
Title: "A Labour of Love? Emotion Work in Intimate Relationships"
Max Barranti
Title: "Is Personality Change Adaptive?"
January 29, 2018 - Council Chambers (DV 3130)
Paula Di Nota
Title: Examining the Longitudinal Influences of a Physiological Intervention on Police Decision-Making
Malvina Skorska
Title: Physical and Family Demographic Correlates of Sexual Orientation
February 26, 2018 - Faculty Club
Raheleh Saryazdi
Title: Age-related differences in referential production
Natisha Nabbijohn
Title: Behavioural and Emotional Problems in a Community Sample of Gender-Nonconforming Children: The Mediating Role of Peer Problems
April 2, 2018 - Council Chambers (3130)
Ju-Hyun Song
Title: Taming Anger and Trusting Others: Distinct Correlates of Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Early Childhood
Stefannelli Gilda
Title: The histone chaperone Anp32E regulates H2A.Z eviction and turnover and regulates memory formation in the hippocampus
April 16, 2018 - Faculty Club
Lauryn Conway
Title: Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Epilepsy: A Focus on Measurement in Research and Clinical Settings
Robert Redford
Title: Measurement Invariance of Trait Mindfulness Scales Across Meditators and Non-Meditators
April 30, 2018 - Council Chambers (DV 3130)
Rachel Forbes
Title: When the Ones We Love Misbehave: Exploring moral processes in intimate bonds
Norhan Elsaadawy
Title: Is meta-accuracy a trait? Meta-accuracy across social contexts
May 14, 2018 - Council Chambers (DV 3130)
James Kim
Title: Buffering Partners during Sexual Rejection: The Importance of Reassuring Behaviors
Firyal Ramzan
Title: Androgen Receptors and Histone Variant H2A.Z Interact to Affect Fear Memory