During the last decade, corporations have experienced crisis after crisis caused by poor governance and ethics. External stakeholders, shareholders, and employees have watched as scandals have severely damaged their interests so that they are quick to seek other alternatives when red flags appear. For managers, executives and directors, governance and ethics scandals are often career ending. As a result, new expectations for corporations are emerging or are now in place.
This program covers crucial topics using key cases to illustrate the practical aspects that Board members, executives and senior management need to take into account to avoid disaster and gain stakeholder support.
Online Modules and Learning Outcomes
Module 1 • Governance & Ethics Framework
This module will help you understand the new governance expectations, how corporate accountability has changed, and how good governance depends on good ethics. Understanding these developments will provide a framework for you to develop the essential skills and strategic insight needed for effective governance today.
Module 2 • Developing an Ethical Corporate Culture
Module 2 will provide practical insights into how a corporation can develop and maintain an ethical corporate culture designed to guide employees to make the right decisions and take the right actions. This module will enhance your understanding of the expectations around governance practices, and the role of ethics in achieving those expectations.
Module 3 • Making the Right Decisions
Module 3 will illustrate how to make decisions that reflect the organization’s values and expectations. This will protect the reputation and careers of decision-makers, executives, board members, and the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders, as well as optimize opportunities presented.
Module 4 • Governance & Ethics Issues
Module 4 will focus on the different types of governance and ethics issues organizations face today. It will prepare you to navigate these challenges with confidence and to deal effectively with difficult and often unpredictable situations.
Who Should Apply
All managers, executives and directors will benefit from this certificate. Anyone who is anticipating promotion or greater responsibilities, or who is in the compliance, governance, or risk management functions will find this certificate immediately relevant.
Ensure you have read the Who Should Apply section before applying.
Format and Dates
1 half-day a week over 4 weeks, virtually.
Module 1 • 9 am-12:00 pm
February 3, 2023
Module 2 • 9 am-12:00 pm
February 10, 2023
Module 3 • 9 am-12:00 pm
February 17, 2023
Module 4 • 9 am-12:00 pm
February 24, 2023
Individual registrations - $1,800 + HST / participant
Group registrations of 2 or more - $1,650 + HST / participant
The fee includes all four modules and course materials.
Meet the Instructor

Leonard J. Brooks has spent over 25 years consulting to clients, writing and teaching about governance and ethics. His books Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives and Accountants, and Ethics & Governance: Developing & Maintaining an Ethical Corporate Culture are used around the world. As a Professor of Business Ethics & Accounting, he has shared his insights with professors and students in the University's Directors Education Program, Executive MBA, MBA, Master of Management & Professional Accounting, and Master of Forensic Accounting programs.
More CEOs were forced out for ethical lapses in 2018 than poor financial performance - The Washington Post, May 15, 2019
For more information, please contact Saima Zulqarnain at