The Angela B. Lange and Ian Orchard Graduate Student Initiatives Fund


Award Overview:

· Deadlines: April 1, 2025, 11:59pm
· Duration: Accepting applications for past and future programming and/or events for the current academic       year – i.e. September 2024 – August 2025. Students applying for reimbursement for past events are welcome to request funds provided that these were not covered by another University funding source.
· Value: Variable
· Level of Study: Full-time master’s or doctoral students
· Required Legal Status: Domestic or International

Grant Purpose:

The Graduate Student Initiatives Fund (GSIF) was established in 2020 through the generosity of Professors Angela B. Lange and Ian Orchard to support inspiring and engaging graduate initiatives that enhance the graduate student experience and foster a sense of community at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM).

Open to both individual graduate student applicants and recognized graduate student groups, the GSIF typically provides funding up to two graduate student proposals annually, with strong preference given to in-person initiatives held at the UTM campus.

Possible events and activities include but are not limited to:

· Student-led conferences and symposia
· Guest lectures
· Professional development (to benefit the collective not the individual)
· Workshops


Graduate students falling into one of the following four categories are eligible to apply:

1. UTM affiliated Master’s and PhD students in both research and professional streams; *

2. Research-stream master's and PhD students officially supervised or co-supervised by a UTM faculty member on ACORN/ROSI.

Additionally, all applicants must:

· Be registered full-time, in good-standing, and within their time limit, both at the time of the application and for the duration of the initiative.

*Students are identified as UTM-affiliated on ACORN only if they submitted a completed SGS (School of Graduate Studies) Affiliation Form indicating that they are so affiliated (and have not subsequently changed that affiliation).


The value of this fund is based on accrued annual income, which can be divided among multiple recipients. At the discretion of the Awards Adjudication Committee, the awarded value will vary depending on endowment income, the number of recipients, and the proposed budget(s).

General Guidelines:

· Currently accepting applications for graduate initiatives scheduled in the 2024-2025 academic year – i.e. September 2024 to August 2025. Both past events and future events are eligible for consideration. 

· Events and activities must be accessible for all members of the community in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and other University policies on inclusion, diversity, and equity, and demonstrate a positive impact on the educational, recreational, social, or cultural values of UTM.

· All budget items must be accompanied with a justification of the amount and necessity.

· It is recommended and encouraged that Fund recipients use exiting UTM resources where appropriate (e.g., technical support) · Initiatives that are grounded in UTM’s Strategic Framework will be given priority, with preference given to those that strengthen the reputation of the campus.

Application Process and Deadlines:

Submit an electronic copy of the Angela B. Lange and Ian Orchard Graduate Student Initiatives Application Form to the Graduate Team within the Office of the Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean (OVPAD) by April 1, 2025, 11:59pm.

The application form specifies the objective of the initiative and how it aligns with enhancing the student experience, fostering a sense of community, and strengthening the reputation of UTM. It also includes a budget, including estimated expenses, other sources of funding, etc.

Adjudication Process:

An Awards Adjudication Committee will be established, led by the Vice-Dean Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs UTM, and will be comprised of representatives from both research and professional graduate programs.

· The committee will typically select up to two (2) initiatives annually.

· The committee may also wish to explore opportunities for partnering with other UTM departments.

Notification of Results & Reporting Requirements:

All applicants will be notified of the results by April 30, 2025.

Successful applicants must submit a summary report to the Award Adjudication Committee within 30 days of the end of the event or activity that includes a reflection on lessons learned and/or what was achieved.

Annual reports including summaries received from successful applicants will be used to prepare yearly updates for the donors.


Questions can be directed to:

Graduate Team
Office of the Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean (OVPAD)