Graduate Studies at UTM

The UTM Advantage


Aerial view of the University of Toronto Mississauga

The University of Toronto is a research powerhouse spanning three campuses in the Greater Toronto Area. It is home to more than 16,000 graduate students across the tri-campus network, of which 1000+ are affiliated with the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). 

The graduate ecosystem at UTM is complex, robust, and ever-expanding. Faculty at UTM teach and supervise graduate students in both research and professional graduate programs from an extensive array of disciplines and faculties.

Against the backdrop of a picturesque forest and award-winning architecture, UTM offers an exceptional academic experience that promotes wellness, togetherness, and environmental stewardship. It boasts a supportive close-knit community of scholars and a wide range of resources dedicated to the academic and professional development of UTM graduate students.

Explore our programs to see how UTM can help you achieve your academic and career goals, providing a vibrant social experience within a diverse, multicultural community of graduate students from Canada and around the world.


The Research


Two people handling ancient text

Graduate students actively engage in research and teaching activities at UTM. They are the backbone of undergraduate teaching and gain valuable experience as teaching assistants, lab coordinators, and course instructors while completing their studies. Hundreds of grad students work in our campus laboratories alongside world-renowned faculty. Graduate students are also actively involved in research centers and networks. They have access to state-of-the-art facilities, TA spaces, and grad lounges that are specially designed to support their research and teaching. 

Discover the groundbreaking work of our graduate students and see how they contribute to the academic community at UTM.