At the University of Toronto Mississauga, I am always inspired and impressed by the level of engagement and research diversity of graduate students who contribute to our campus. Our graduate students are involved in a wide range of projects and engage with scholarship on a local as well as global scale.
Our goal is to support our grad student and postdoc community at UTM so they have the resources they need to succeed as they continue to elevate.
- Ajay Rao
Vice-Dean Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs
The Office of the Vice-Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (the “Grad Team”) is a portfolio within the Office of the Dean at UTM responsible for graduate education at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Led by Vice-Dean Ajay Rao, the Office provides leadership, funding, and support in several key areas, including but not exclusive to the graduate student experience at UTM, the administration of funds to support graduate students and activities on campus, graduate program and professional development, governance matters, and other related activities.
Supports for Graduate Students at UTM
The Office of the Vice-Dean Graduate provides assistance in navigating graduate student inquiries and serves as the main point of contact for graduate awards, campus affiliation, and graduate resources and supports on campus.
Working in partnership with the UTM Association of Graduate Students (UTMAGS), the Office supports many graduate events and activities on campus, such as the annual Welcome Back/To Grad School Garden Party, the Science Gala, and the monthly grad social nights at the Blind Duck Pub.
Additionally, the Vice-Dean regularly meets with graduate student leaders on campus and actively advocates for graduate student interests both within and beyond the UTM campus.
Let us know how we can be of help!
Supports for Departments, Faculty, and Staff
The Office of the Vice-Dean Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs is committed to enhancing graduate student success and academic excellence at UTM. To this end, the Grad Team works closely with faculty, staff, across the tri-campus on a wide variety of projects and initiatives, including strengthening existing programs, introducing new ones, and disbursing funds to support graduate students and graduate activities on campus. Additionally, the Vice-Dean and/or Grad Team liaise with the School of Graduate Studies and represent UTM on institutional committees related to graduate affairs.