UTM Procedure for Posters, Banners and Distribution of Printed Materials

UTM Procedure: Distribution of Publications, Posters and Banners

This procedure sets out general principles governing distribution of publications, posters, and banners on UTM campus.  Included are instructions on location, distribution, collection, disposal, and financial implications. 

For the purposes of this procedure, publications include newspapers, magazines, advertising supplements, literary journals, handbooks, brochures, pamphlets, etc., which are distributed in public areas of the University. 

This procedure will be read in conjunction with other University policies that govern dissemination of information and freedom of expression, including: Statement of Institutional Purpose, Statement of Freedom of Speech, University of Toronto Statement on Human Rights; Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment; and Code of Student Conduct. 


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  1. The university will make reasonable space available for publications in specifically designated areas of appropriate buildings, land, and streets owned by the university at UTM. 
  1. An application for space in these designated areas must be made to UTM Facilities Management & Planning to fmp.utm@utoronto.ca.  This one-time application must describe the anticipated number of issues and frequency of distribution at each location, the name of the delivery company (if different from the publisher), the provision of appropriately labelled stands and an action plan for taking old issues to the university-provided newspaper recycling facility. 
  1. Space used in designated areas will meet Ontario Building Code and Fire Code regulations and allow for the orderly display of publications for the purpose of distribution. 
  1. Space in designated areas will be allocated in the following order of priority: 

                                1. University of Toronto publications 

                                2. Publications of recognized University of Toronto groups 

                                3. Publications of non-University of Toronto groups or companies 


  1. It is the responsibility of each publication to ensure its issues will be housed in stands or boxes approved by UTM Facilities Management & Planning.  Unless otherwise provided or agreed upon, these stands or boxes are to be provided by each publication and clearly labelled with the name of the publication. 
  1. It is the responsibility of each publication to maintain its stands or boxes in good order.  Stands or boxes found in disrepair by the University of Toronto will be removed, replaced, or repaired by the publications, on notice from the University. 
  1. It is the responsibility of each publication to collect and recycle outdated issues and, as part of the application procedure, each publication will outline how it plans to recycle its outdated issues.  The university’s recycling and garbage containers are not to be used for this purpose. 
  1. Failure to conform to these principles, or persistent neglect or abuse of space privileges, will result in the suspension of these space privileges throughout the UTM campus. 


Posters / Flyers / Signs 

Posters, flyers, and signs are restricted to public bulletin boards, which are located throughout campus buildings.  Notices, advertisements, posters, flyers, or documents of any kind, will not be attached to any wall, door, window, column, washroom, building sign, garbage or recycling can inside any university building unless prior approval has been received from UTM Facilities Management & Planning (for more information or to start a request, email Facilities Management & Planning at fmp.utm@utoronto.ca). 

Notices, advertisements, posters, flyers or documents of any kind will not be posted on any tree, hedge, building, wall, door, window, lamp post, bench, telephone booth, pole, garbage can, recycling bin, building sign, utility box, mailbox, newspaper dispenser or fence on outdoor University property.  Signs will not be planted on the grounds unless prior approval from the grounds manager has been received. (For more information or to start a request, email Facilities Management & Planning at fmp.utm@utoronto.ca).

Posters will be periodically removed from public bulletin boards when materials are outdated and/or to maintain the usability of the board. 

Posters that are in violation of these guidelines will be removed.  Groups or organizations that persistently post flyers improperly in non-approved spaces will be charged for labour and/or material costs related to their removal.  The university may use the services of collection agencies for off-campus organizations and may suspend the use of university space privileges to internal groups, to enforce payment of costs. 



Each group or individual wishing to install a banner will require approval of the UTM Capital Projects & Space Allocation Committee (MCaPS).  Applications can be made through the MCaPS Request Form.


Commercial Advertising 

The University has many special revenue agreements and contracts with external advertising companies. Those who wish to install any permanent commercial advertising signs, posters, or flyers, must obtain approval from the Chief Administrative Officer.