Project Updates and Three Week Look-Ahead Schedules

Projects are arranged according to building: click on the box to open it for a complete list. Projects taking place in multiple buildings are considered "Campus Wide"; work taking place outdoors will be listed under "Campus Exterior."

Campus Exterior Projects

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Campus Wide Projects

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Alumni House

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Alumni House Exterior Repairs

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM  Randy SetoConstruction on Hold

Alumni House AHU Replacement

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Ashwin RodriguesConstruction

Communication, Culture, and Technology Building (CCT)

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Central Utilities Plant (CUP)

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

CUP Office Reno

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Ashwin RodriguesConstruction

CUP Expansion

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Ashwin RodriguesConstruction

William G. Davis Building

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

DV A/B/C Blocks Research Labs UPS

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Edwin D'CruzConstruction

DV- Spigel Hall and Central Kitchen Reno and AHU L1

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM  Manju ThomasConstruction

DV- 1111 AC install and DV 1149 Fire Pump Replacement

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Ashwin RodriguesCommissioning

DV- Air Handling Units Upgrade (L2 & L3) + JKL Gly Heat Exchanger

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Ashwin RodriguesCommissioning

Deerfield Hall

Project NameProject ManagerStatus
DH4090 Psychology Office RenoUTM Ekaterina IssaevaCommissioning

DH3055 Robotics Lab

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM  Ekaterina IssaevaConstruction

Erindale Studio Theatre

Project Name Project Manager Status




Research Greenhouse

Project Name Project Manager Status




Grounds Building

Project Name Project Manager Status

Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre (HMALC)

Project Name Project Manager Status




Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex (HSC)

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

HSC421 Anthropology Lab Renovation

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM  Karyan NgoConstruction

HSC Level 2 Parapet Restoration

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM  Randy SetoConstruction on Hold

HSC474 Dry Lab Reno

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM  Ekaterina IssaevaConstruction

Instructional Centre

Project Name Project Manager Status

Innovation Complex

Project Name Project Manager Status




Kaneff Centre

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Maanjiwe nendamowinan

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

New Student Residence Building

Project NameProject TeamStatus

New Student Residence

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule


UofT Project Manager  Maggie Ma

UTM Project Planner  Bernard Hau

UTM Project Coordinator  Ekaterina Issaeva


Principal's Residence (Lislehurst)

Project Name Project Manager Status




Recreation, Athletics and Wellness Centre (RAWC)

                  Project Name                                          Project Manager       Status    

Science Building

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Science Building

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Edwin D'Cruz



Student Centre

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

Student Residences

Project NameProject ManagerStatus

MaGrath Valley Residence Reno

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule

UTM Manju ThomasConstruction