Space and Renovation Requests

Requests for space allocation changes and renovations can be submitted to FMP via the following form. Please note: your University of Toronto login and password is required to access this form.

All requests will be assessed in accordance with institutional space requirements as measured by COU standards, University of Toronto space standards, the UTM Campus Master Plan, UTM space inventory, feasibility, and site conditions, and in accordance with priorities, commitments and accountabilities of the UTM Strategic Framework 


• Centre Truth, Openness, & Reciprocity  

• Foster Student Success  

• Empower Research Discovery and Impact  

• Embrace Our Place  

• Build Efficient and Sustainable Operations  

• Encourage Collaboration and Belonging 


Space allocation and renovation intake is triaged by the UTM Planning, Design & Construction team, and timeline for projects will vary based on complexity, workload, and other factors.  

Upon approval by MCAPS (UTM Capital Projects & Space Allocation Committee), each project at FMP undergoes a meticulous and tailored project life cycle. This structured process ensures that every endeavor, regardless of its complexity, size, or nature, receives the requisite attention and resources for successful execution. From inception to completion, our dedicated team meticulously navigates each phase, including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure. The timing of each phase may vary, as it is contingent upon numerous factors, such as project scope, project type, stakeholder involvement, and external influences. 


Project Life Cycle: 

  • Initiation: Define project objectives, scope, and feasibility. 
  • Planning: Develop comprehensive strategies, schedules, and resource allocations. 
  • Execution: Implement plans, manage resources, and execute project tasks. 
  • Monitoring and Control: Track progress, manage risks, and make necessary adjustments. 
  • Closure: Formalize project completion, document outcomes, and assess performance.



Upon approval, the duration for project execution typically ranges from 9 to 24 months, depending on the complexity, scope of the project, decanting the space, moving other users, etc. This timeline encompasses all key phases including initiation, planning, design, procurement, construction, commissioning, and completion. 


For questions contact us at