Staff Directory

General inquiries relating to the Experiential Education Unit may be directed to or

Experiential Education Unit
William G. Davis Building, Room 3228-3249
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6

September to June Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Weekends and Statutory Holidays: closed.

July to August Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Weekends and Statutory Holidays: closed.

Leadership  |  Experiential Education  |   Community Engagement & Special Projects  |
Work-Integrated Learning Programming & Development  


TitleName & EmailPhone
Interim Associate Dean, Academic ExperienceVivienne Luk
(for scheduling contact Nina Di Trapani; 905-828-5377)
Director, Experiential Education and Community EngagementRena Banwait416-864-8081
Manager, Experiential EducationStephanie Vega-Morello905-828-3793
Manager, Community Engagement & Special ProjectsAdriano Pasquali905-569-5696
Manager, Work-Integrated Learning Programming Hiba Syed905-569-4486

Experiential Education

General inquiries for the Research Opportunity Program (ROP) should be sent to

TitleName & EmailPhone
Experiential Learning OfficerAlina Cheng905-828-5295
Experiential Learning OfficerMelissa Esteron905-569-4458
Experiential Learning OfficerShivani Mistry905-828-5260
Experiential Learning OfficerNarindra Persaud416-978-6852
Experiential Learning OfficerSelina Sharma905-828-5242
Experiential Learning OfficerSamantha ForstnerTBA

Community Engagement & Special Projects

General inquiries for the Community Engagement Inventory (CEI) should be sent to

TitleName & EmailPhone
Community Engagement OfficerJames Malinowski905-569-4456
Experiential Learning DeveloperDakota Pinheiro905-569-4891

Work-Integrated Learning Programming & Development

General inquiries for the UTM Co-op Internship Program (UTMCIP) should be sent to

TitleName & EmailPhone
Student Development OfficerTBATBA
Co-op Internship CoordinatorKhandee Kumar905-569-4491