Consultation on EL Courses

Curriculum Development

Faculty who are interested in incorporating EL activities into their course curriculum are welcome to contact our office and we will connect you to the appropriate liaison.

For EL inquiries around curriculum development support, please contact Dakota Pinheiro, Experiential Learning Developer.

Administrative Support

The EEU provides faculty and staff with support in the following areas:

  • conducting outreach to discover and secure placement sites;
  • maintaining ongoing relationships with partners;
  • advising on student placement documentation to ensure
  • contracts and agreements are consistent with University and Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) standards and guidelines;
  • facilitating student-, faculty-, and partner-facing documentation related to academic internships; and
  • communication and outreach efforts with regards to for-credit EL opportunities.

For inquiries on administrating an EL opportunity, please contact the EEU.