**Due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, please note the following resources of interest**
- U of T Entrepreneurship COVID-19 Resources
- A resource list for small startups and entrepreneurs seeking support for their employees specifically during this COVID-19 outbreak: http://entrepreneurs.utoronto.ca/covid19resources/
- SRJ Chartered Accountants Resources
- Includes employer-specific information surrounding updates to taxation policies as a result of COVID-19: https://www.srjca.com/covid-19-updates/
- Founder’s Guide: Navigating Human Resources During COVID-19
- A “Tips” guide on the topics of remote work support for employees, legal implications for COVID-19, and government funding: emergelaw.ca/founders-guide-navigating-human-resources-during-covid-19/
- COVID-19 Resources App
- This app is a compilation of Canadian resources created and collected by Sheridan EDGE staff. It allows users to interface with the app in desktop mode and to add any resources that they have: https://bthl2.glideapp.io/
- Legal Frameworks for Student Placements. Please familiarize yourself with the following information to determine what your obligations are to unpaid and paid interns/co-op students. Also note that under the Human Rights Code, “disability” includes conditions caused by infection. Thus, any student trainee diagnosed with COVID-19 is protected by the guidelines outlined in HCC.
- Federal Supports for Employers
- Work-Sharing Program: A program that provides income support to employees who work a temporarily reduced work week while their employer recovers.
- Supplementary Unemployment Benefits (SUB) Plan
For details on how to apply for federal assistance, please visit: https://us1.campaign-archive.com/?e=58900ad4bb&u=17da42ea108fb4d2fd39896f7&id=b2e081902e
For organizations offering remote placements, the following tips from the Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) may be useful while you onboard and supervise students:
- https://mcusercontent.com/2ce28cf69dc0b044b74056459/files/36df6fe9-52ce-4ec2-b73f-7dd606a8d9a6/FINALTips_for_onboarding_students_remotely_CEWIL_Canada.pdf
- https://mcusercontent.com/2ce28cf69dc0b044b74056459/files/6d720863-5071-4d71-a61c-412aa419de92/FINALTips_for_supervising_students_remotely_CEWIL_Canada.pdf
CEWIL also has an Employer Tool Kit and resource section that offers guidance and best practices on:
- Conducting interviews via phone or video conference
- Mentoring student trainees
- Preparing postings for student-based positions