Raji Soni
Teaching and Research Interests
Modern and contemporary literatures; globalization in theory and practice; state violence, impunity, and postcolonial jurisprudence; queer studies and the subject of religion; critique of political economy from a humanities perspective. Book Colloquium Editor, Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory (Taylor & Francis)
Courses Taught
ENG105H Introduction to World Literatures
ENG140Y Contemporary World Literatures
ENG271H Toronto's Multicultural Literatures
ENG273H Literatures of Immigration and Exile
ENG310H Modern South Asian Literatures in English
ENG371H Literatures of South Asia
ENG390Y Individual Studies
Interview with Jaspreet Singh. Reading Impunity in Aftermaths of State Violence, book colloquium on Jaspreet Singh’s Helium, edited by Raji Soni. Sikh Formations (forthcoming 2022).
“The Ice Within You: Archiving the Unconscionable Norm of Sovereign Impunity in Jaspreet Singh’s Helium.” Reading Impunity in Aftermaths of State Violence, book colloquium on Jaspreet Singh’s Helium, edited by Raji Soni. Sikh Formations (forthcoming 2022).
“Debasing Citizenship in and beyond the American Century: From Domestic Immiseration to Attacks on Asylum.” Coauthored with Ralph Callebert. Precarious Minorities, a volume in Routledge’s Ethics, Human Rights, and Global Political Thought Book Series (forthcoming 2022).
“De universiteit zonder arbeid” [“The University without Labor”]. Coauthored with Ralph Callebert. Onderwijs in het tijdperk van het neoliberalisme [Education in the Era of Neoliberalism], feature section of Aktief: het ledenblad van het Masereelfonds (forthcoming 2021).
“Wie geeft er werkelijk om de kinderen van anderen?” [“Who really cares about other people’s children?”]. Coauthored with Ralph Callebert. Racisme en extreem-rechts [Racism and the Extreme Right], feature section of Aktief: het ledenblad van het Masereelfonds, no. 4, 2020.
“Introduction: Concept Work with Michael Nijhawan’s Precarious Diasporas.” Book Colloquium on Michael Nijhawan's The Precarious Diasporas of Sikh and Ahmadiyya Generations: Violence, Memory, Agency, edited by Raji Soni. Sikh Formations, vol. 16, no. 1-2, 2020, pp. 148-152.
“Precarious Diasporas in Precarious States.” Book Colloquium on Michael Nijhawan's The Precarious Diasporas of Sikh and Ahmadiyya Generations: Violence, Memory, Agency, edited by Raji Soni. Sikh Formations, vol. 16, no. 1-2, 2020, pp. 172-186.
“A Political Economy of the Poor People’s Campaign: From MLK and Polanyi to Trump.” Coauthored with Ralph Callebert. Precarious Minorities, special issue of Sikh Formations, vol. 15, no. 3-4, 2019, pp. 441-451.
“Claims of Labor in Globalization: Africa, Citizenship, and the Integral State.” Coauthored with Ralph Callebert. Socialism and Democracy, vol. 32, no. 2, 2018, pp. 87-109.
“The Queer Religion of Hart Crane’s Dionysian Nazarene.” LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, vol. 29, no. 4, 2018, pp. 268-287.
“Traversing W.H. Auden’s Religious and Aesthetic States.” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 17, no. 3, 2018, pp. 566-587.
“A Political Economy of the Humanities: Turning Tables with Marx and Kant.” Coauthored with Ralph Callebert. Australian Humanities Review, vol. 59, 2016, pp. 1-22.
“The Sleep of Christ: Incarnation and the Queerness of Heresy in W.H. Auden’s ‘For the Time Being.’” Religion and the Arts, vol. 18, no. 4, 2014, pp. 543-570.
“In the Letter of Mere Reason: Rethinking the Universal Secular Intellectual with Kant, Derrida, and Spivak.” Culture and Religion, vol. 14, no. 2, 2013, pp. 146-179.
“Between Securocratic Historiography and the Diasporic Imaginary: Framing the Transnational Violence of Air India Flight 182.” Coauthored with Asha Varadharajan. Air India Flight 182: A Canadian Tragedy?, feature section of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 27, 2012, pp. 177-195