*The Course Schedules below are subject to change pending enrolment pattern changes. Detailed course descriptions by instructors are added when available and are also subject to change.
**Please consult the Registrar's Time Table for mode of delivery for courses.
DRE121H5F Traditions of Theatre and Drama
DRE200H5F Canadian Theatre History
DRE344H5F Studies in Theatre & Drama 1 (African American Theatre History)
DRE362H5F Playwrighting
DRE370H5F Exploring Shakespeare in Performance
DRE420H5F Senior Seminar 1 (Digital Dramaturgies)
DRE122H5S Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
DRE201H5S Acting
DRE222H5S The Performance Text
DRE226H5S Shakespeare in the Theatre
DRE347H5S Studies in Theatre & Drama 3 (Global Performance)
DRE358H5S The Audience and the Theatre
DRE463H5S Senior Seminar 3 (Science & the Theatre)
Course Title: Traditions of Theatre and Drama
Course Code: DRE121H5F | Lecture MW 11-12 | Tutorials W 12-1, W 2-3
Instructor: Holger Syme
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
Course Code: DRE122H5S | Lecture MW 11-12 | Tutorials W 12-1, W 2-3
Instructor: TBD
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Canadian Theatre History
Course Code: DRE200H5F | Lecture M 2-3, W 1-3
Instructor: Signy Lynch
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Acting
Course Code: DRE201H5S | Lecture T 11-12 | PRA R 11-1, R 2-4
Instructor: TBD
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: The Performance Text
Course Code: DRE222H5S | Lecture M 12-1, W 12-2
Instructor: Leticia Ridley
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Shakespeare in the Theatre
Course Code: DRE226H5S | Lecture MW 11-12 PRA W 2-4
Instructor: Holger Syme
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: African American Theatre History
Course Code: DRE344H5F | Lecture W 11-1
Instructor: Leticia Ridley
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Studies in Theatre & Drama 3 (Global Performance)
Course Code: DRE347HS | Lecture M 1-3
Instructor: Signy Lynch
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: The Audience and the Theatre
Course Code: DRE358H5S | Lecture M 11-1
Instructor: Martin Revermann
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Playwriting
Course Code: DRE362H5F | Lecture F 1-4
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Exploring Shakespeare in Performance
Course Code: DRE370H5F | Lecture M 3-5 | Tutorial W 1-3
Instructor: Holger Syme
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a
Course Title: Senior Seminar: Digital Dramaturgies
Course Code: DRE420H5F | Lecture M 1-3
Instructor: Jacob Gallagher-Ross
Detailed Description by Instructor:
In recent years, digital technologies of reproduction and communication have multiplied exponentially, bringing with them new modes of storytelling, new forms of personal expression, and, indeed, new ways of feeling. The Internet and smartphones allow instantaneous chat across global networks; media communities like YouTube have created venues for amateur performances to reach mass audiences; social media platforms host vicious political debates and provide virtual infrastructure for progressive activists; and the enforced brevity of status updates, Twitter posts, and text messages have created compressed, allusive idioms out of everyday speech. These and other rapid technological and cultural changes have transformed theatre, the oldest of “old media.” This seminar will explore these changes, examining theatre’s place in a world conditioned by new media and the place of these new media in the theatre. From avatar performances, to Twitter plays, to dramatic texts “written” by algorithms, to computer chatbots restaging debates between Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky, to YouTube karaoke, to flash mobs, to transmedia performances, to the boundless archives enabled by digital recording—we'll consider the manifold ways that technology can perform. We’ll ask what is considered “live” theatre in a digital age, and how new media share the stage with more traditional forms of performance.
Selected major readings: TBD
First three texts / authors to be studied: TBD
Method of instruction: Seminar discussion, student presentations, creative projects.
Method of evaluation: Short and long paper, creative project, student presentations, seminar participation.
Creative Writing component: Yes
Group n/a
Course Title: Senior Seminar 3 (Science & the Theatre)
Course Code: DRE463H5S | Lecture W 1-3
Instructor: Martin Revermann
For the UTM calendar description of this course, click here.
Group n/a