Studying Drama at UTM
Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies offers three programs
- Theatre and Drama Studies, jointly offered between Sheridan College and UTM (Specialist)
- Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (Major)
- Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (Minor)
Please consult the Director of Drama and/or the Undergraduate Advisor, RM 5250 Maanjiwe Nendamowinan MN for drama-related courses that can be used to fulfill the requirements for any Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies program.
Learn about our current Drama (DRE) courses!
The focus of Theatre, Drama, and Performance Studies at UTM, both curricular and extra-curricular, is the Erindale Studio Theatre and the Multi-Media Studio Theatre or MiST. Erindale Studio Theatre is used for performances of Theatre Erindale, the production company of the Specialist Program. The MiST is used for teaching, performances by Theatre Erindale, co-curricular and extra-curricular performances by all programs, and the UTM Drama Club.
Courses in related topics are given in many disciplines. Students interested in the field are advised to consider taking some of them. No more than a combination of 15.0 Drama-related courses may be taken.
Enrolment in any Program of Study, including the second year of the Theatre and Drama Studies program, requires completion of 4.0 previous credit or their equivalent.
Students should also review the Degree Requirements section of the academic calendar prior to selecting courses.
Academic Advising
Academic advising is available throughout the year, and students are urged to seek advice when selecting their courses or planning their programs.
NOTE: Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time. Pre- and co-requisites will be strictly enforced.