Lawrence Switzky
Room:DH 1047
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Research and Publications
Areas of Specialization
Twentieth-century and contemporary drama; modernisms; computation and the arts; theories of media and technology; performance theory
Courses Taught
DRE/ENG122H Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
DRE360H Developmental Dramaturgy
DRE380H Repertory Theatre in Practice: The Shaw Festival
DRE392H Individual Studies: Disability in Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
DRE392H Individual Studies: Drag in Theory and Practice
DRE392H Individual Studies: Northern African Theatre and Drama
DRE420H Bad Shakespeare
DRE422H History and Theory of Directing
ENG140H Literature for Our Time
ENG263H Play and Games
ENG279H Video Games
ENG316H Artificial Persons
ENG340H The Rise of Modern Drama
ENG341H Modern Drama: Mid-Twentieth Century to the Present Day
ENG342H Contemporary Drama
ENG343H World Drama
ENG390Y Individual Studies: Sapphic Theatre
ENG391Y Individual Creative Studies: Science Fiction; Verbal Comedy
ENG399Y ROP: Staging an Epic: The Mahabharata in South Asian and Canadian Contexts
ENG415H Video Games and Narrative
ENG473H Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Drama
ENG473H Wilde and Shaw: Literary Celebrity and Mass Culture