Holger Syme
Room:DH 1045
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Areas of Specialization
Early Modern English literature, especially drama; theatre history; contemporary performance, especially of classics; German theatre; history of the book; legal history; Performance Studies; literary and cultural theory and history; censorship; Shakespeare; Jonson; Kyd; Marlowe; Middleton; Webster. Büchner; Chekhov; Goethe; Horváth; Gorky; Ibsen; Kleist; Schiller
Courses Taught
DRE/ENG121H Traditions of Theatre and Drama
DRE221Y Shakespeare
ENG223H Introduction to Shakespeare
DRE226H Shakespeare in the Theatre
DRE370H Exploring Shakespeare in Performance
DRE392H Independent Study
DRE420H Restaging the Canon
DRE422H Senior Seminar
ENG220Y Shakespeare
ENG223H Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG332Y Drama to 1642
ENG336H Topics in Shakespeare: Shakespeare in Performance
ENG346H Studies in Theatre & Drama 2: Chekhov
ENG370H Exploring Shakespeare in Performance
ENG390Y Shakespeare’s Odd Characters
ENG391Y Independent Student Project in creative writing
ENG399Y Paper Stages
ENG411H Early Modern Others: Women, Witchcraft, and the Exotic
ENG461H Renaissance Strangers
ENG461H Plays of Middleton & Webster
ENG463H Christopher Marlowe