Drama Courses 2017-2018

Theatre & Drama Courses 2017-2018

NOTE: General descriptions of these courses are always available on the UTM Calendar webpage at:

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The course schedule below is subject to changes pending enrolment pattern changes and/or instructor availability. Please note that if the course schedule below varies from the Registrar's Course Time Table, please check with the department.

A linked course code in the schedule below denotes that a course description is available.

100-Level Courses

Course Section Day Time Instructor
Traditions of Theatre and Drama
0101 MW 10-11
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Holger Syme
DRE121H5F Section Day Time TA
  TUT0101 M 11-12 Tutorial TA TBA
  TUT0102 M 1-2 Tutorial TA TBA
Modern & Contemporary Theatre & Drama
0101 MW 10-11
Image indicates that adjacent link to the right opens a new window
Jacob Gallagher-Ross
DRE122H5S Section Day Time TA
  TUT0101 M 11-12 Tutorial TA TBA
  TUT0102 M 1-2 Tutorial TA TBA
200-Level Courses
Course Section Day Time Instructor
Canadian Theatre History
0101 M 1-3,
W 1-2
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Nancy Copeland
0101 MW 2-1
Image indicates that adjacent link to the right opens a new window
Holger Syme
DRE221H5Y Section Day Time TA
  TUT0101 W 2-4 Tutorial TA TBA
The Performance Text
0101 M 1-3,
W 1-2
Image indicates that adjacent link to the right opens a new window
Jacob Gallagher-Ross
300-Level Courses
Course Section Day Time Instructor
Studies in Twentieth Century Performance Styles
0101 W 11-1
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Stephen Johnson
Studies in Theatre and Drama (TBA)
0101 W 1-3
Image indicates that adjacent link to the right opens a new window
Nancy Copeland
Production Dramatury
0101 W 11-1
Image indicates that adjacent link to the right opens a new window
Jacob Gallagher-Ross
400-Level Courses
Course Section Day Time Instructor
Senior Seminar I
0101 M 11-1 Martin Revermann
Senior Seminar I: Performance and Popular Culture
0101 W 1-3
Image indicates that adjacent link to the right opens a new window
Stephen Johnson


DRE courses are taught at UTM. DRS courses are taught at Sheridan Institute, by Faculty at Sheridan. These are open to Theatre and Drama Studies Specialists only.

Note: Students enrolling in any DRS course will be required to pay an additional fee of $60 for courses ending in 21 or 22 and $100 for courses ending in 25 or 26. These fees are used to finance materials used (costumes, props, sets) in the productions of Theatre Erindale. These charges will automatically be added to your University of Toronto student account receivable.

Course Day Time Room / Instructor

DRS 121H




DRS 122H




DRS 221H




DRS 222H




DRS 321H




DRS 322H




DRS 325H




DRS 326H




DRS 421H




DRS 422H




DRS 425H




DRS 426H




Other Drama Courses

DRE392H5 Independent Study 1
An independent project in theatre and drama studies, chosen by the student and supervised by a member of the faculty. The form of the project will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. A written proposal, signed by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval to the Program Director by May 15 if an "F" course, by November 1 if an "S" course. Proposal forms are available from the department’s Undergraduate Advisor in EH 309A. Independent Study courses may not be taken simultaneously.
Exclusion: DRM390Y5, DRE390Y5
Prerequisites: Permission of the U of T Mississauga program director, and completion of 3.0 DRM/DRE/DRS credits.

DRE394H5 Independent Study 2
An independent project in theatre and drama studies, chosen by the student and supervised by a member of the faculty. The form of the project will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. A written proposal, signed by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval to the Program Director by May 15 if an "F" course, by November 1 if an "S" course. Proposal forms are available from the department’s Undergraduate Advisor in EH 309A. Independent Study courses may not be taken simultaneously.
Exclusion: DRM390Y5, DRE390Y5
Prerequisites: Permission of the U of T Mississauga program director, and completion of 3.0 DRM/DRE/DRS credits.

DRE299Y Research Opportunity Program
This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time.
Prerequisite: 4.0 credits

DRE399Y Research Opportunity Program
For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time.
Prerequisite: P.I.

See Notes for All Programs for additional drama-related courses which can be used to fulfill the requirements for any Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies program.
