CCR Bundles

 The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is an official institutional document that recognizes your involvement outside the classroom as a significant part of your U of T experience. You can search the CCR database for involvement opportunities that coincide with your interests and goals. The CCR connects the competencies you’ve gained from these opportunities directly to skills that employers and graduate schools look for to help you build your resumes and applications. You can print an official copy of your CCR for your records. 

Do you work off-campus? Did you know you can get CCR recognition for your off-campus job? Read more about Work Counts Off-Campus CCR Recognition.



  • Search for involvement opportunities using the CCR database and follow your progress.
  • Link the competencies gained from your experiences to skills that employers and graduate schools look for.
  • Receive an official University of Toronto document validating your experiences and activities.

The Career Centre has created eight CCR bundles to help you achieve these goals. Each bundle is described below and lists relevant competencies gained. Please note: each bundle must be completed within one academic year (September - April). Check out our Events Calendar regularly for upcoming dates/times for workshops and services.

  1. Job Shadow Program
  2. Effective Job Search Strategies
  3. Who Am I? What Do I Want?
  4. Informed Career Decision Making
  5. From Student To Employee: Professionalism In The Workplace
  6. Career Fairs (Graduate & Professional Schools Fair)
  7. Career Fairs (Get Experience Fair and Get Hired Fair)
  8. Networking For Your Career


Log in to CLNx and click on the Co-Curricular Record button to look through the database of opportunities as well as information on how to add an activity to your CCR record. 


Job Shadow Program  

The Job Shadow Program at UTM is an opportunity that will enable students to test drive a career by visiting a professional (job shadow host) in their workplace. Job shadowing will help students gain insight into an industry or career, better understand how classroom learning can be applied to work outside of academia and learn more about the skills and educational requirements needed to follow their career interests and make industry contacts, by using both in-person and online methods. 

What is required to have this validated: 

  • Completing the Career Exploration 101 online module 
  • Apply for the Job Shadow Program and complete all necessary steps in CLNx 
  • Accept and attend a placement 
  • Complete a reflection upon attending placement  

What competencies will students gain: 

  • Career Planning: Students will engage in meaningful conversation with their host that will help them identify 1-2 next steps in terms of career planning 
  • Reflective Thinking: Students will have the opportunity to ask questions during their placement which will allow them to think critically and reflect. In addition, the student will be required to complete a reflection piece after their placement, prompting them to reflect on their experience 


 The Effective Job Search Strategies program aims to help students learn how to job search effectively. Students attended one-to-one appointments, workshops and events that covered how to strategize their job search. Students created their job targets, learned how to research organizations and interact with employees in a professional way. Students will be able to use these skills and knowledge on an ongoing basis to aid in their job search.

What is required to have this validated:

  • One hour individual Employment Strategy appointment
  • Resume and Cover Letter or Getting Ready for Your Job Interview workshop
  • Resume Critique or Practice Interview appointment

What competencies will students gain:

  • Career Planning: Students will reflect on their priority work search area, and learn how to research organizations and develop targeted work search strategies to initiate and enhance their job search. 
  • Professionalism: Students will receive direct feedback from staff to assist them in accessing the hidden job market, develop skills to target their next job, and interact with employers in a professional way. 


The Who am I? What do I want? This bundle aims to help students learn more about themselves and explore meaningful career options. Students attended one-to-one appointments with a Career Counsellor and used a self-assessment tool to increase self-awareness in order to identify educational and career options best suited to them.  Students were able to assess their values, interests, skills, traits, and preferences to inform their decision-making.

What is required to have this validated:

  • Completion of Self Assessment module
  • One-hour individual Career Counselling appointment
  • One-hour follow-up Reflection Appointment with a Career Counsellor

What competencies will students gain:

  • Career Planning: Students will reflect on their skills, values, personality, interests and experiences to explore meaningful career options. 
  • Reflective Thinking:  With the assistance of staff, students will reflect on the knowledge and insights that they have gained through these activities, consider how it is useful to them and identify opportunities to use what they have learned in their career development and career management.


The Informed Career Decision-Making program aims to help students learn more about themselves and explore meaningful career options. Students attended one-to-one appointments with a Career Counsellor as well as workshops to increase self-awareness in order to identify educational and career options best suited to them.  Students were able to assess their values, interests, skills, traits and preferences to inform their decision-making with regard to gaining experience, further education or direct entry into the workforce after graduation.

What is required to have this validated:

  • 1.5 hours of individual Career Counselling appointments
  • One of the following workshops: Road to Graduate School, Personal Statement, Smart Job Goals

What competencies will students gain:

  • Career Planning: Students will reflect on their skills, values, personality, interests and experiences to explore meaningful career and further education options.   
  • Decision Making and Action: Staff will assist students in applying knowledge and insights gained to help them make career decisions with regard to further education or direct entry into the workforce after graduation.


 The From Student to Employee: Professionalism in the Workplace program aims to prepare students for participation in the workforce. Students attended one-to-one appointments with an Employment Strategist, attended a workshop and completed online modules to learn about professionalism and succeeding in the workplace.  Students were able to assess their personal work style, different management styles and how to solve problems to help them thrive.

What is required to have this validated:

  • One hour Employment Strategy appointment
  • Stand out and Succeed workshop OR Online modules (one hour)
  • Follow up Reflection appointment with an Employment Strategist or a Career Counsellor

What competencies will students gain:

  • Career Planning: Students will be able to assess their personal work style, different management styles and work preferences to help determine the kinds of workplaces that may be a good fit for them.
  • Professionalism: Students will receive direct feedback from staff to assist them in learning about how to stand out in a positive way at work, including how to speak up for themselves and solve problems.


The Graduate & Professional Schools Fair provides students with an opportunity to browse and speak with representatives from various schools and programs at the graduate, college and post-graduate levels. Students complete a written reflection piece to explore the experience in their own words. With the assistance of a Career Counsellor, students reflect on the insights gained as well as their long-term goals.

What is required to have this validated:

What competencies will students gain:

  • Career Planning: Students will learn how to research organizations and develop relationships with representatives at Fairs. They will gather information to help them make career decisions and job search information to help them connect with educational opportunities.   
  • Decision Making and Action: Staff will assist students in applying knowledge and insights gained to help them make career decisions with regard to gaining experience, further education or direct entry into the workforce after graduation.


The Get Hired Fair provides students with an opportunity to speak with representatives from dozens of organizations and learn about a wide range of full-time, summer and volunteer job opportunities. Students attended the Fair, made connections with potential employers, and gathered information about organizations and job opportunities. With the assistance of an Employment Strategist or Career Counsellor, students reflected on the insights gained as well as their long-term goals. Students also received coaching on developing a customized job search plan.  

What is required to have this validated:

  • One-hour individual appointment with an Employment Strategist or a Career Counsellor
  • Attendance at the Get Hired Fair
  • One hour follow-up Reflection appointment with an Employment Strategist or a Career Counsellor

What competencies will students gain:

  • Career Planning: Students will learn how to research organizations and develop relationships with representatives at Fairs. They will gather information to help them make career decisions and job search information to help them connect with potential employers and job opportunities. 
  • Decision Making and Action: Staff will assist students in applying knowledge and insights gained to help them make career decisions with regard to job search, networking and finding potential opportunities.


The Networking for Your Career program aims to help students develop stronger networking skills. In workshops and one-to-one appointments, students practiced networking skills to be used in their career exploration and future job searching. Students learned how to network to gather career information and make industry contacts, by using both in-person and online methods.

What is required to have this validated:

  • One hour individual appointment with an Employment Strategist
  • Attendance at one Career Centre networking event
  • One hour follow up Reflection appointment with an Employment Strategist or a Career Counsellor

What competencies will students gain:

  • Decision-Making and Action: Students will learn about effective networking techniques, both in-person and online to gather information to help them make career decisions and job search information to help them connect with opportunities.
  • Career Planning: Students will practice these techniques and could receive feedback from staff, peers and industry representatives (dependant on the sessions they attend).