utmONE Scholars Seminars

Incoming UTM students, check your email for your invitation to apply to a utmONE Scholars seminar. The application deadline is June 17, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET. A list of commonly asked application questions can be found here.

Missed our utmONE Scholars information session on June 12, 2024? View a recording below!

utmONE Scholars Seminars are unique first-year seminar courses designed to provide a collaborative classroom experience for high-achieving students interested in developing their university-level research and communication skills. 

There are many benefits to taking a utmONE Scholars seminar including getting a head start on your research career by gaining hands-on academic research skills.  The seminars also encourage a greater sense of belonging to the academic community, build confidence and communication skills, and provide an opportunity for students to engage with a theme that is relevant and interdisciplinary allowing for vibrant discussions from multiple perspectives.  

utmONE Scholars seminars offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

All seminars will be offered in the Winter term (January-April 2025)

How to apply to take a utmONE Scholars seminar

Access to these seminars is by application and eligible students, incoming students with a CGPA of 90% or higher, will be sent an invitation to apply. utmONE Scholars applications for the 2024-2025 academic year will open in May 2024. Invitations are sent by email on a rolling basis starting in early May.

Please review the course pages above, the highlights below, and our FAQs prior to submitting your application. Questions are welcome and can be sent to isup.advisor@utoronto.ca.

Highlights of all utmONE Scholars Seminars

Strong Academic Foundations
Each seminar is taught around an impactful theme. In addition to developing enhanced academic research skills, communication and writing skills, critical thinking skills, and collaboration skills, students will build global and social awareness by exploring a current topic in a global context. 

Supportive Classroom Experience
The seminar format (maximum 25 students per seminar) allows students to create meaningful relationships with their professor and classmates, and to experience academic dialogue and discussion in a collegial and safe environment. 

Focus on Collaboration
Experiential learning is embedded within the class meetings. Students collaborate on an enriching class project designed to examine multiple perspectives on the course theme. Every seminar is interdisciplinary in nature so students will meet and work with classmates from a variety of backgrounds and academic programs.

Other Benefits of utmONE Scholars
Students who participate in a utmONE Scholars seminar report that their experience had a positive impact on their academic success, helped them feel supported in their personal growth, increased their motivation in their other courses and developed their confidence in participating in class discussions. 94% of utmONE Scholars students surveyed in 2019 would recommend utmONE Scholars to an incoming first-year student.

Scholars Collective Community
In addition to enrollment in one of the engaging utmONE Scholars seminars, successful applicants also join our Scholars Collective Community. In the past, this community has offered co-curricular initiatives and events, with the input of a student-led committee, including the Scholars Summer Book Club, the Scholars Collective Peer Mentorship community, monthly conversations circles, and more. We are currently redesigning the Community offerings and welcome your suggestions at isup.advisor@utoronto.ca

Find out more about the Scholars Collective Community

Featured Student Experiences

One of the great things about utmONE Scholars is the diversity of student perspectives that come together to learn and connect with each other.  We've gathered the experiences of our past utmONE Scholars in the form of video and written stories.  Please explore and find out what makes utmONE Scholars such a unique, thought-provoking, unparalleled learning experience in your first-year!

You can view more videos related to utmONE Scholars on our YouTube playlist.  Additionally, we have collected several written student experiences from students from a variety of backgrounds and academic programs here.  


Please direct your questions to isup.advisor@utoronto.ca