Zhaozhe Wang
Room:MN 5103
Zhaozhe Wang (pronunciation: “jaw-juh”) is an Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric Studies in the Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy with a graduate appointment in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE. Zhaozhe Wang specializes in writing and rhetoric studies, with particular interests in areas such as multilingual writing and literacy, transnational rhetorics, and digital media. He has served on the CCCC (Conference on College Composition and Communication) Executive Committee and the MLA (Modern Language Association) Global English Forum Executive Committee, and chaired the CCCC Second Language Writing Standing Group. Zhaozhe Wang is recipient of the CCCC James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award, Rhetoric Review Theresa J. Enos Anniversary Award, and WPA: Writing Program Administration Kenneth Bruffee Award. His scholarship is published in leading journals across writing and rhetoric studies, communication, and applied linguistics. With Tony Silva, he co-edited Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing. His book, titled Doing Difference Differently: Chinese International Students' Literacy Practices and Affordances (Utah State University Press), ethnographically documents the multifaceted everyday literate activities of Chinese international students, challenging the myth of linguistic and cultural differences reified in institutional discourses of diversity.
Master’s or Ph.D. student supervision (Language and Literacies Education @OISE)
Collaborative projects
Media enquiries
Wang, Z. (2024). Doing Difference Differently: Chinese International Students’ Literacy Practices and Affordances. Utah State University Press. https://www.upcolorado.com/utah-state-university-press/item/6619-doing-difference-differently
Silva, T., & Wang, Z. (Eds.). (2021). Reconciling translingualism and second language writing. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003003786
Refereed Journal Articles
Wang, Z. (2024). Post-rhetoric: A rhetorical profile of the generative artificial intelligence chatbot. Rhetoric Review, 43(3), 155-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/07350198.2024.2351723
Wang, Z. (2023). Transnational rhetorical circulation in the splinternet age. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 53(5), 670-684. https://doi.org/10.1080/02773945.2023.2191215
Zhang-Wu, Q., Wang, Z., & Shapiro, S. (2023). CLA and translingualism: A (literal) scholarly conversation. Journal of Second Language Writing, 60, 100996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2023.100996
Wang, Z. (2022). Rhetorical economy: Affect, labor, and capital in transnational digital circulation. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 108(4), 382-401. https://doi.org/10.1080/00335630.2022.2128201
Wang, Z. (2022). From disciplinary diaspora to transdisciplinarity: A home for second language writing professionals in composition. College English, 84(5), 467-490. https://doi.org/10.58680/ce202231908
Wang, Z. (2021). The switched-off circulation: A rhetoric of disconnect. Rhetoric Review, 40(4), 395-411. https://doi.org/10.1080/07350198.2021.1963041 (Rhetoric Review Theresa J. Enos Anniversary Award)
Wang, Z. (2021). Too green to talk disciplinarity. Composition Studies, 49(1), 172-175. https://compstudiesjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/wang_49.1.pdf
Wang, Z. (2020). Toward a rhetorical model of directed self-placement. WPA: Writing Program Administration, 44(1), 45-67. https://wpacouncil.org/aws/CWPA/asset_manager/get_file/555796?ver=3 (Kenneth Bruffee Award)
Wang, Z. (2020). Activist rhetoric in transnational cyber-public spaces: Toward a comparative materialist approach. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 50(4), 240-253. https://doi.org/10.1080/02773945.2020.1748218
Wang, Z. (2020). First-year writing instructors’ perceived challenges in working with international second language writers: An institutional survey study. Chinese Journal of Second Language Writing, 1(1), 111-131.
With Silva, T., Zhang, C. A., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Yang, K., & Sun, Y. (2020). Doctoral study in second language writing studies in the United States: Some Chinese Students’ Perspectives. Chinese Journal of Second Language Writing, 1(1), 1-17.
Wang, Z. (2019). Relive differences through a material flashback. College Composition and Communication, 70(3), 380-412. https://doi.org/10.58680/ccc201929988
Wang, Z. (2019). Carving out a dialogic space for “I”: A corpus-based study of novice L2 writers’ use of first-person pronouns in argumentative essays. L2 Journal, 11(1), 20-34. https://doi.org/10.5070/L20038590
Wang, Z. (2018). Rethinking translingual as a transdisciplinary rhetoric: Broadening the dialogic space. Composition Forum, 40. https://compositionforum.com/issue/40/translingual.php
Book Chapters
Wang, Z. (2022). Auto-ethnographic performance of differences as anti-racist pedagogy. In B. Schreiber, E. Lee, J. Johnson, & N. Fahim (Eds.), Linguistic Justice on Campus: Pedagogy and Advocacy for Multilingual Students (pp. 41-57). Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781788929509-004
Wang, Z., & Silva, T. (2021). Introduction: Reconciling translingualism and second language writing. In T. Silva & Z. Wang (Eds.), Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing (pp. 1-10). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003003786