Phoebe Kang
Room:MN 5204
Phoebe holds a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy from OISE, University of Toronto. With her M.Ed in Curriculum Studies specialization in TESL, she developed curriculum for English for Academic Purposes programs for students with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds at Brock University for over 15 years before joining ISUP in September 2022. Her teaching at Brock included a variety of programs from English language preparation programs to pre-Master’s programs in Business and Education disciplines. She has also taught in New College's International Foundations Program at the University of Toronto and at Niagara College in the School of English Language Studies. She has been a long time member of TESL Ontario and held the president of TESL Niagara for 6 years. She is a current board director of Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education.
Her research interests and publications have been on internationalization in higher education, international students’ teaching and learning about policy issues, equity for non-native English speaking international students in Canadian higher education, equitable and inclusive curriculum, and university pedagogy. She has recently developed interests in researching on AI guidelines and Academic Integrity policies in Canadian universities. Her publications appear in Journal of International Students and Migration and Language Education.
Phoebe enjoys travelling around the world and learning new languages.