Jonathan Vroom
Room:MN 5122
Jonathan received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of Toronto in 2017. During his graduate studies, he was a Writing Fellow at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (St. George campus), where he oversaw the integration of writing instruction strategies into the department’s first-year courses. During that time, he also taught several courses at UTM’s Department of Historical Studies. After graduating in 2017, Jonathan served as a Writing Instructor and Sessional Lecturer at U of T (Mississauga and St. George). He has also published a number of articles as well as one book on early Jewish literature since then.
At the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre Jonathan has been an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (LTA) and Writing Specialist. As of July 1, 2022, Jonathan will be a full-time Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in ISUP. In these roles, Jonathan is involved in a number of student-support programs and initiatives: he holds face-to-face meetings with students to discuss strategies for assignment-writing, reading, and/or study skills; he delivers assignment-specific writing workshops in a variety of courses across campus; he teaches the Elements of Academic Reading and Writing Workshops, which are held for six weeks in the Fall and Winter terms; he hosts a weekly writing group for graduate students; and Jonathan teaches a section of UTM118, The Science of Learning. Jonathan also helps to organize and support the WDI. This campus-wide initiative, run out of the RGASC and under the direction of Michael Kaler, provides funding and support for the enhanced use of writing in courses across the disciplines at UTM.