2025 Summer
WGS337H5S - Special Topics in Women and Gender Studies: Sounding the 6ix: Performing Toronto Feminisms (R. Persadie)
Over the last four decades, Toronto has garnered international attention as a significant site of marginalized cultural production, political consciousness, and transnational feminist and anti-colonial organizing, consequential of the intersecting histories, migrations, tensions, politics, and exchanges that has made queer and feminist Toronto possible. In this third-year special topics seminar, we turn to practices of marginalized art-making as our central archive to explore how Toronto functions as s critical site of queer and feminist knowledge, activism and cultural resistance. Topics will include Queer of Colour, Black and Indigenous social movements in Toronto, archiving queer and feminist Toronto, the politics of Pride Toronto, drag culture, arts activisms, Canadian nationalisms and multiculturalisms, queer and feminist nightlife, among many others. Part of this course will also see us working with Toronto-based guest artists and activists and field trips to geographies of historical and contemporary queer and feminist organizing in the city.