Summer Experiences
On this page, you can find information for:
- Classical Civilization Research & Travel Study Grant
- Potential Opportunities
- Independent Research Trips
- Latin and Ancient Greek Intensive Training
- Archaeological Experience
- Additional Opportunities and Grants
Classical Civilization Research & Travel Study Grant 2025
Undergraduate students enrolled in a Classics major or minor at the University of Toronto Mississauga are encouraged to apply for a travel, research, and study grant to pursue additional training and gain experience over the summer.
The Classical Civilization program will be able to offer two grants of up to $1500 each. (You do not have to ask for the full amount if it isn’t needed.) Depending on your interests, this might include either visiting an ancient site or collections at a museum, taking language courses, or participating in an excavation.
To apply, please send your application to Heather Thornton via The application should consist of a one-page (single-spaced) proposal of how you would use the grant, how the grant would facilitate your professional development, and a tentative budget. You are encouraged to contact one of your professors to help you develop a proposal. Please email your application by April 22, 2025.
Note: Graduating students are eligible as long as the grant is used prior to July 31, 2025.
If successful, you will be required to submit a one-page (single-spaced) report of how you used the grant. Additional details will be provided.
Potential Projects
We have put together a list of some potential uses for the grant, but you may also propose something not on this list.
Research Trips to Sites or Museums
If you haven’t been abroad and would like to propose using the money for travel to a particular site, please outline your suggested travel and explain how this would contribute to your overall professional development. For example, in your budget, you can include costs for your hotel, food, and travel. This is a great opportunity if you are interested in developing an independent research project with one of the faculty in the Classics program at UTM that will allow you to study first-hand a site or objects in a museum, but an independent project isn’t required. For example, you might choose to visit:
- The Annual Conference of the Classical Association of Canada
- Agora, Acropolis, and National Archaeological Museum (Athens, Greece)
- Roman and Imperial Fora, Capitoline Museum, Vatican Museum (Rome, Italy)
- Louvre (Paris, France)
- Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City, US)
- Montreal Museum of Fine Art (Montreal, Canada)
- British Museum (London, England)
Latin and Ancient Greek Intensive Training
Greek and Latin Summer Workshops – University of California, Berkeley
- NB: Dates have not yet been released for 2025
- Offers 10-week intensive programs in Greek and Latin
- Scholarships are available directly from them with an early March deadline
- Summer 2024: Latin Workshop (online, June 3-August 9, 2024)
- Summer 2024: Greek Workshop (in-person, June 3-August 9, 2024)
The Latin/Greek Institute – The City University of New York
- Offers summer intensive programs in Greek and Latin
- Summer 2025: Basic Program in Latin (in-person, June 9-August 19, 2025)
- Summer 2025: Basic Program in Greek (in-person, June 9-August 19, 2025)
- Summer 2025: Upper-Level Programs in Latin (online, June 23-August 11, 2025)
Greek and Latin Summer School – University College, Cork
- offers summer intensive programs in Greek and Latin
- note: no program in 2024 **will update when 2025 information is available
JACT (Joint Association of Classical Teachers)
- both Latin and Greek are offered
- offers financial support for summer students
- Summer 2025: JACT Greek Summer School (in-person, July 27-August 9, 2025)
International Byzantine Greek Summer School (IBGSS) – Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Beginners (14–25 July 2025) and Intermediate and Advanced (28 July–8 August 2025)
- Course and bursary (financial aid) applications due 15 May 2025
- All courses will run online in small groups led by experienced teachers. Please specify the time zone you will be in while participating in the course.
Archaeological Field Schools and Field Work Experiences
Where to Find Projects
Projects can be viewed at the Archaeological Institute of America. This is a searchable map for projects across the world (not just Mediterranean).
There is also a list of field schools at the Institute for Field Research.
Archaeological opportunities are also available through the Canadian Institute in Greece.
The American School of Classical Studies offers programs for advanced undergraduates. (AND there are scholarships available)
- Volunteer at the Athenian Agora Excavation (Deadline Dec 9, 2024)
- Six-week summer session, June 16-July 30 (Deadline Jan 6, 2025)
- 2025 Summer seminars (Deadline Jan 6, 2025)
- People and Places of Ancient Philosophy (June 9-June 27, 2025)
- Settlers and Traders: Corinth and Its Apoikiai in W. Greece and S. Albania (July 3 to July 21, 2025)
- Summer Archaeological Sciences courses (Deadline Jan 15, 2025)
- Several are offered: Bioarchaeology, Geoarchaeology, Micromorphology, Ancient DNA each with a separate week over the summer during which it will run.
Additional Opportunities and Grants
- Sometimes CLA professors at UTM will offer a ROP (Research Opportunity Program). This will be widely announced. If something interests you, please let us know and we can also develop an Independent Study with you.
- Additional scholarships to participate in archaeological excavations are available through the AIA - (deadline March 1, 2025)
- E.g., Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship for students planning to participate in archaeological field work for the first time ($1000)
- Additional fieldwork scholarships are available through ASOR
- There are many scholarships for first time fieldwork, BIOPIC scholarships, and those for certain projects.
- Check out a list of awards and fellowships from the Society for Classical Studies (e.g., the Lionel Pearson Fellowship for graduate study at an English or Scottish University).
- The University of Toronto Archaeology Centre (Deadlines March 14, 2025)
- The Joseph and Maria Shaw Student Summer Travel Fellowship - $500 for archaeology fieldwork
- Dr. Laurence Pavlish Memorial Scholarship in Archaeological Science - $1000
- Department of Classics (UTSG) provides bursaries for students from under-represented groups to defray costs of language courses on the St. George campus over the summer (up to $700 per course
- The Royal Ontario Museum has some volunteer opportunities available. While not paid, this is a great way to get some experience.
- The Metropolitan Museum in New York City, New York offers undergraduate paid internships.
- The Museum of Ontario Archaeology has volunteer positions and occasional opportunities.
Prior Applicants
Prior students have visited museums, examined ancient sites, and participated in archaeological excavations.