Tong Lam
Room:MN 4292
Office Hours:Please refer to the syllabus and/or contact via email.
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road, Maanjiwe nendamowinan, 4th Floor
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
Tong Lam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Historical Studies and the Graduate Department of History and Director of the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies at the Asian Institute. His current book-length study employs lenses of media studies, environmentalism, and science and technology studies (STS) to examine the politics and poetics of mobilization in China’s special zones in the socialist and postsocialist eras. As a visual artist, Lam has utilized his lens-based work to uncover hidden evidence of state- and capital-precipitated violence — both fast and slow — across various contexts. At present, his research-based visual projects particularly delve into the intersection between technology and military violence, as well as the landscapes of industrial and postindustrial ruination.